3 Months

Dear Lucy,

I’ve finally done it! I’m actually writing this on your three-month birthday. Not a week after, but on the actual day. See, I’m getting better at this mom stuff every day!

This month has been full of changes. Actually, I’m starting to see a theme here. Every month seems to be full of changes! This month you became mobile, which though it’s exciting, it is absolutely terrifying. Now when I put you on your stomach for tummy time, you automatically roll over to your back. Then you laugh at me like, “I know this is my only homework from the doctor, but I REFUSE to comply.” I’m just imagining when you’re in school and I’m supposed to help you with your math homework and you show me how math is never really going to help you in life anyway, so why should you learn it.

You were the big hit of this month’s Peters Family Reunion. As the first member of the 4th generation of Peters, you were expected to be the hit of the party, and you did not disappoint. You cooed and laughed and rolled over and charmed everyone at the reunion. While at Cape Cod, you also decided to skip your 10 p.m. feeding, going to bed between 8 and 9 and sleeping all the way through the night. This gave Mama the chance to participate in some violent games of Catch Phrase and ping pong, which was greatly appreciated. The only downside to the trip was the airplane rides. You weren’t crabby exactly, you just refused to sleep. I mean, how can one sleep when there lights to look at and omigod did you notice that Mama is sitting right next to you! How fabulous! A baby definitely cannot sleep when Mama is sitting, like, right there. Oh, and Daddy too. The baby better not sleep at all during this wonderful flight. She wouldn’t want to miss anything!

Since the advent of all of the night sleeping, the day sleeping has been a bit screwy. Lately you won’t nap longer than an hour during the day, which would be OK execpt then by evening you’re a little bit crabby. But you’re still the most adorable, crabby baby on the planet.

In the last month, your dad and I have received so many compliments on our parenting, which is a pleasant surprise. We never thought we would be as good this parenting thing, especially because it seemed like not so many people had faith in us. Granted for every non-believer, there was someone that thought we’d be OK, but I don’t think anyone thought we’d take to it the way we did. Lucy, you are the one who has made us the parents we are. Every time I get frustrated and feel like I’m just so tired of all of it, you squeal or laugh and I realize it’s all worth it. Plus some.



Holy Crap, She’s Mobile

God help us all….

Just ignore those dorky people talking in really high-pitched voices in the background. They won’t leave the baby alone. Dorks.

Just Doing It To Upset Mama

Every day I spend hours trying to capture the abosolutely, heartmelting moments when Lucy cracks up smiling. I always get her to laugh hysterically, but by the time the camera focuses, flash adjusts and photo is snapped, she is usually making her tongue out drool face, which makes her look like an escapee from a mental institution.

Then, I got it….

Big Smile.jpg

…and of course she’s rocking a t-shirt from the arch-rival college of my beloved Kansas Jayhawks. Everyone keeps telling me she’s going to be a K-State fan, and now I’m starting to fear it may be true.

2 Months

Dear Lucy,

Last Thursday you turned two months old. I would’ve written then, but hey, I’m a mother and it’s a miracle if I remember to brush my teeth every day, so be happy this is getting written at all! You have changed so much in the last month, it’s hard to know where to begin. You’ve turned in to this happy, little person, with such a big personality. When I took you to Grandma’s work so she could show you off, you laughed and smiled and cooed at every single person who came over to check you out. It’s in those moments when you look SO MUCH like your father. A little charmer already. I can just see the two of you running scams on innocent waitresses and convincing them that, yes, you do deserve a free dessert just because you are you. God help me.

You’ve also begun sleeping through the night on a fairly regular basis. Granted, every few nights you’ll wake up at 2 a.m. just to keep us on our toes, but for the most part, you’ve become quite the little sleeper. This means that you’re up more hours during the day, which has provided for some interesting afternoons. Sometimes I think I am boring the crap out of you with my constant prodding to get you to laugh, but you always give me a bored look and then break out into a huge smile, as if to humor me. And you don’t just smile with your mouth, but with your entire face. Your eyes squint and your nose wrinkles up and you contort your body like you just can’t contain all of the happiness in your little self.

Today we went for our two month checkup with Dr. Waters. He fulfilled the competitive people in your father and I by telling us you’re in the 95th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. Ha, my baby is fatter than 95 percent of all other babies! Ha ha! We win! He also said you’re way ahead in motor skills as you were staring at your hands and opening and closing your fists pratically the whole time. Apparently you’re not supposed to do that for a while. He also said your sleeping through the night is very lucky for us. Ha! Do you hear that?! We have one of the fattest, sleepiest babies with the best hand eye coordination. She’ll be able to shove a drumstick in her mouth in no time!

I’m so excited for this next month. According to Dr. Waters we should have you in an exersaucer in the next week or so, which should provide us with some hilarious moments. In two weeks we take your first big vacation, to the Peters family reuinion in Rhode Island. Yeah, airplane flight with small baby…good times. And no shots this month, yipee! Today was also your first round of baby shots and watching the stunned look on your face when they put in the first of FOUR NEEDLES into your leg was heartbreaking. Your poor little face just looked so sad. Then you fell asleep in my arms in the elevator, and I realized I will never feel more needed or wanted than I do right now. I like that feeling.


Holy Sleeping Baby

Now, I know I never really dished on the weekend of partying. Mostly, this is because I don’t have too much to say about it and I was too damn tired to type. My last big birthday bash was 2 days before I found out I was pregnant and I never really had a bachelorette party because of the fetus that kept crashing the fiesta, so I don’t take these free party nights for granted. Besides, Trent owes me as he is having a bachelor party AT OUR HOUSE! Yes, the baby and I are staying the night elsewhere, but still, he owes me. [Sidenote: Trent is bound to get pissed about me telling the world he’s throwing his baby girl and wife out so his drunken friends can have a place to stay, so my apologies. I’m actually excited to stay somewhere with central air, so I’m not complaining. And Trent is a wonderful father.]

Anyway, the parties were a good time. I must say, I’ve never seen so much double stick tape and table dancing all in one weekend, at least not unless it was on TV. Happy birthday to THE MARA and happy “getting married soon” day to Miss Amber. I’m glad you both decided to keep your tops and bottoms on for the celebration. Sort of.

Both nights I was out baby Lucy got a bit off schedule. I think she wanted to come with me and have a shot of tequilla and was extremely annoyed about her lack of invitation. So she backtracked a bit with the night sleeping. Both nights she was up at 3 a.m. and again at 6 a.m. screaming her ass off. She didn’t seem to understand that Mommy was out late and was tired and grumpy and constipated from Taco Bell. But as I’ve slowly started to recover, so has she, and last night she slept ALL NIGHT LONG. Granted, she woke up once at 2:30ish, but I just wrapped her back up like a burrito and put her back in her crib. Back to baby dreamland!

Now everyone is asking me if I’m finally getting some much-needed rest. Answer, um, kinda. I’m now on this strange clock that wakes me up every two hours with shooting pains in my boobs and the fear that the baby has suffocated in her crib. Why else would she stay there for such a long period of time?! Unless maybe she’s sneaking out late at night and watching the Lindsay Lohan True Hollywood Story on E!

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