
The following is an exerpt from a conversation that Lucy is having right now, even though, technically, right now she should be taking a nap. This conversation is taking place in her crib and has been going on for the last hour.

Lucy: “AHHHHH! Oooooh, ah, pssst, gah, ga-Ah, oooo, hehehehe, YAH!”

Translation: “Hands, oh glorious tools of our Lord. How am I so lucky to have you, my beautiful hands. I could stare at you forever. Oh, and look! I can put you in my mouth, and then take you out. And then put you back in again. Why are you so wet and slimey, hands? I’d better put you back in my mouth to make sure you are OK. Gee, Mama’s an idiot. She puts me in this contraption [crib] and expects me to fall asleep?! With hands here? Is she insane?! What if I wake up and they are gone? Oh, I can’t even think about it. I’d better stay awake, just in case.

Lucy: “Blaaaah, poo, gaaah, gaaah, gaaaaaaah, YEEEE-AH!”

Translation: “Holy. Crap. What are these? Hands, did you know that these things were here? They look just like you but they’re stumpier. And they are at the bottom of my legs. Glorious leg hands! What is that, regular hands? These are FEET?! Don’t be silly, they look just like hands to me. Maybe I can fit one of these in my mouth, too. Man, this is a fun ‘nap.’ Stupid woman, if you put me in here with all of these toys I’m never gonna fall asleep. Just like the Fresh Prince said, parents just don’t understand.”

In Which We Once Again Distract Her With Flashing Lights

Teething baby + photo shoot, not a good combo

Today Grandma Cindy and I took Lucy Lu to get her first professional photos, and she showed me that no, she does not want to be a professional baby model. We did get some cute shots, well, like four of them, but the ones I’m posting below pretty much sum up the experience.


In the second one, you may not be able to see the pained look on her face, but if you look closely, you may be able to make out some of the tears.

Come on, seriously!

Today is my birthday. Well, OK, not really my birthday, but it is the day I am going out with some girlfriends to celebrate my birthday, which is actually next Wednesday. And the law of God damn Murphy is kicking my ass! The baby, who has been doing pretty good the last few days, is again crabby, pissy and an all-around pain in my ass. She-who-would-not-stop-screaming finally seemed to calm down a bit once I put her down for a nap. Then a sound shook the whole house. Holy crap, is someone dropping a bomb on Kansas City. Did the terrorists decided this is the next front in their jihad.

Nope, just the damn KC air show that decided to fly over my house ALL AFTERNOON! Babies do not like when airplanes fly over their house and do flips in the air and shake their cribs with all of the freaking noise! So instead of getting some much needed rest, Lucy cried for two hours. And now, she is just such a joy. So I decided to put her down for another nap. And right after I put her down, what happened?

The plane! The plane!

You’ve got to be kidding me…

I Love Lucy (in spite of myself)

That is my new mantra, “I love Lucy.” Especially since she has officially decided she does not like nursing anymore. Lucy has taken up a nursing strike. Yes, it does really exist. I can just see her, picketing my boobs with a sign that reads, NO MORE BREASTS! So, while I have been at home attempting to force her into eating, she has been having a wonderful time ignoring me and doing whatever the hell she pleases. I made a video montage of our lives without eating, which you can watch below.

This includes laughing at light up toys, kicking the new kick-gym, falling asleep in the middle of the living room floor and sleeping with her swaddle blanket on upside down. (Before I get mean emails about how my baby could die sleeping with a blanket on her head, I want to say, duh, and I did not put it on her head. She squirmed out of the swaddle, then turned around and put it on her own head. Why? Because she can. Just like she can refuse to eat. She is stubborn just like her Daddy and will never cave first.)

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