
OK kids, here they are, pics from our first Halloween with lovely, little Lucy.

Little Monkey.jpg



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What I Got

Lately I’ve been feeling a bit depressed, a bit low. I’m not sure what really brought it on, probably a combination of new motherhood and exhaustion. I know many new mothers go through this, but as I hadn’t really experienced it, I was caught offgaurd. I started to feel kind of worthless, like what I do every day is easy, unimportant, boring, and the like.

Then a chain of events began that changed my thoughts. I won’t go into detail, but some things happened that took my mind off of how I was feeling, and made me realize how lucky I really am. Then today it was 75 degrees outside and I went for a great walk and had some time with my husband and carved pumpkins for Halloween. And it just all seemed right.

So, for now, I’m pretty happy. And even though I know I’ll probably feel crappy again, I know that I’ll feel happy again too. And when I walk into Lucy’s room in the morning and she sees me and starts cracking up, I know that happy feeling will never be too far away.

How Festive

This weekend we decided to get out of the house and enjoy the EIGHTY DEGREE WEATHER (yes, in October, in Kansas). It’s very depressing that after an afternoon outdoors I was sunburned. Not the baby, just me. Truely pathetic. But we did get some nice pics at the pumpkin patch where we were robbed blind. I mean, seriously, six dollars per person and then fifty cents per pound, per pumpkin. And of course we had to get kettle corn. And a funnel cake. Turned into a forty dollar excursion. Ah well, the things we do for festive photos of the child.

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4 Months

Dear Lucy,

My goodness girl, you are growing up way too fast. No you cannot have the car keys and you are not dating until you are 43. Or until I am dead, whichever comes first.

This month you have learned of the joy that is your feet. You wake yourself up from naps just to talk to your feet. Your hands are still okay, but your feet, well, they are magical. You can be screaming bloody murder, but when you see your feet, you are all smiles. I am no longer buying you any more toys. Not until you like them more than your own body parts.

This was a trying month for both of us. It was the month of the nursing strike, the cold that had all that mucus and the attempted photo session. Even though you were very challenging at times, I found myself, if it’s possible, loving you even more. Because even though it was the month of all of those bad things, it was also the month of the hysterical laugh, and how can you not adore a baby with a hysterical laugh.

Your laugh can sometimes remind me of Butt Head from Bevis and Butt Head. It starts out as a slow “huh, huh huh, huh” and then slowly progresses into a high pitched squeal. You’ve also perfected your Molly impression, panting with your tounge hanging out of your mouth. This past weekend you made Aunt Mara’s day when instead of doing the requisite amount of screaming, you showed her all of your laughs and pants, finally proving that you like her even though she refers to herself in the third person.

That’s what I love the most (if I can even pick) about you, Lucy. Even when someone is hungover or sick or just in a plain old bad mood, you can turn their day around. All you have to do is break out into your toothless grin and a person cannot help but smile back. That is a great gift, sweetie. And we may have to utilize that around Christmas time. Remember, Grandma’s love smiling babies!


Proof She’s Half of Me

Lucy has finally proven that she is, in fact, half of me. Even though she looks just like her dad and can sleep all day like her dad and needs constant cuddling like her dad…there is part of me in that cute little head!

She’s a Mac baby! And before you say it [Mara!] I know she is, yet again, naked. But this is only because she drooled so much on her shirt that it was sopping wet and I had to remove it. And because naked babies are cute. And no, we don’t have Teletubbies running around our house, she was watching them on the computer. Because I will do anything to distract the child, even watch those damn aliens dance around and hold hands.

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