3 Months

Dear Lucy,

I’ve finally done it! I’m actually writing this on your three-month birthday. Not a week after, but on the actual day. See, I’m getting better at this mom stuff every day!

This month has been full of changes. Actually, I’m starting to see a theme here. Every month seems to be full of changes! This month you became mobile, which though it’s exciting, it is absolutely terrifying. Now when I put you on your stomach for tummy time, you automatically roll over to your back. Then you laugh at me like, “I know this is my only homework from the doctor, but I REFUSE to comply.” I’m just imagining when you’re in school and I’m supposed to help you with your math homework and you show me how math is never really going to help you in life anyway, so why should you learn it.

You were the big hit of this month’s Peters Family Reunion. As the first member of the 4th generation of Peters, you were expected to be the hit of the party, and you did not disappoint. You cooed and laughed and rolled over and charmed everyone at the reunion. While at Cape Cod, you also decided to skip your 10 p.m. feeding, going to bed between 8 and 9 and sleeping all the way through the night. This gave Mama the chance to participate in some violent games of Catch Phrase and ping pong, which was greatly appreciated. The only downside to the trip was the airplane rides. You weren’t crabby exactly, you just refused to sleep. I mean, how can one sleep when there lights to look at and omigod did you notice that Mama is sitting right next to you! How fabulous! A baby definitely cannot sleep when Mama is sitting, like, right there. Oh, and Daddy too. The baby better not sleep at all during this wonderful flight. She wouldn’t want to miss anything!

Since the advent of all of the night sleeping, the day sleeping has been a bit screwy. Lately you won’t nap longer than an hour during the day, which would be OK execpt then by evening you’re a little bit crabby. But you’re still the most adorable, crabby baby on the planet.

In the last month, your dad and I have received so many compliments on our parenting, which is a pleasant surprise. We never thought we would be as good this parenting thing, especially because it seemed like not so many people had faith in us. Granted for every non-believer, there was someone that thought we’d be OK, but I don’t think anyone thought we’d take to it the way we did. Lucy, you are the one who has made us the parents we are. Every time I get frustrated and feel like I’m just so tired of all of it, you squeal or laugh and I realize it’s all worth it. Plus some.



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2 replies
  1. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    So the warning really helped, make sure to remind me every week so that I don’t cry my eyes out, tears were shed, just not in the mass quantity as before! I love my baby, spoil her!!!

  2. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    Well, I know this is a little late, but regarding the math part of Lucy’s life. I am more than happy to help her with, because it may come in handy in the future so she can make MILLIONS of dollars! And it’s one of the only things I’m good at, besides drinking, so let me help someway!!!


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