
The dancing of the belly was today. The belly did OK, it was me that wanted to vomit and/or jump in my car and run the other direction. I promised to post some pics to prove to those who believe I am a liar that I really am taking belly dance and now I am officially part of a belly dance company.

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That’s me, in the back center. I’m the one who looks like she’s about to blow chunks all over the stage.

After the dancing of the belly, Mara and Abbie came up for some KC fun. We are now attempting to destroy some soberness and then go out and act like swanky (not skanky) bitches. We are the shit.

Expect some drunken blogging.

For Mara.


I have spoken of a few friends on this site (see “Happy Birthday Abbie” for a fun one), but yesterday I realized I haven’t spoke very much about one who is very likely to be the only one who actually reads this site. And sadly, the ONLY ONE who leaves comments. Apparently Manhattanites cannot read simple directions and then follow them. But we must forgive them. It must be the smell of cow poo that inhibits their brains.

Mara, Martha Lynn, Marla Hooch, Marmaduke…there are many names for this young lady who loves flip-flops, purses and online shopping. Ah yes. And puppies. And alcoholic beverages. And 80’s jams. The list goes on. Her 2 a.m. drunk dial messages always make me jealous at 7 a.m. when I’m on my way to work, but they also make me smile.

Here’s to Mara! I can’t wait for you to come up this weekend and I will finally be included in all of your fun! We will definetely have to drunk dial someone.

Lovely Bearded Boy

Finally, I’ve convinced Trent to do something I want him to do. He looks like either an Irish boxer or a lumberjack. Either way, I think it’s scrumptious.

Why I haven’t written.

My weekend was full of surprises. It was supposed to be a quiet one. It started out like this.

My original Friday night plans. We then moved on to drinking heavily with some of Trent’s friends from home (Hi Justin! Hi Josh!). I became known as the cockblocker (or as Josh so kindly put it, “not a cockblock, just a bitch). I then passed out facing the wrong was on my bed while watching Sideways. The boys then attempted to feed the dog some Skoal.

Then, after a drama-filled Saturday with Mikayla, Trent and his buddy Heath (boyfriend of Mikayla and self-proclaimed genius who’s graduating with his Master’s Degree on Friday, that bastard!) decided they truly do care very deeply for each other.

Then I was burned beyond recognition at Heath and Mikayla’s pool on Sunday. No, Mikayla, I didn’t get ‘color,’ I got extremely red and I can barely sit down. I am wimpering in pain as I sit and write this. Thank God for Sooth-A-Caine. I should be a walking advertisement for that shit!!! Whoever decided to put numbing agents in aloe is a genius. I will gladly bow at your feet Mr. Banana Boat. Actually, that would be a clever marketing ploy. Crazy Bananas and Banana Boat. I can just hear our Jamaican jingle.

Forgive me. I have no sense of humor when crispy.

Jealously rears its ugly head.

Just read on. You’ll understand my pain. I recieved this e-mail from my friend Jessi (Hi Jessi!) last week.

Two or three days before I left for New York, sister Jeruschka called me to tell me “the greatest news of my life.” Earlier that day she had received a call to work on a music video for…. yes, Dave Matthews. She said “Ok, but I’m only doing this for my little sister who’s in love with him.” Then a little while later she realized that I was going to be in town the days of the shoot! So she quickly called back (Julie is her name) and told her that I was going to be in town and if there was anything Julie could do to get me a peek— she said “Well, lets make her an intern!” My first two days in New York and of my summer were spent as an intern for the new Dave Matthews music video and it was LITERALLY a dream come true. At 7:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, the first moment I saw Dave I stopped in my spot in the sidewalk and just stared, I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to be “one of those people” but I really couldn’t move. Then he made a comment on the plate of food I was carrying, and I still couldn’t say anything… It was awesome. That was just the beginning, luckily I worked up more courage through out the two days and was able to speak actual words to him and MY GOD it was so…. well I still can’t even explain how shocked I still am that I have spoken to Dave Matthews. Someone I have idolized and obsessed over for far too long was in my presence and talking to me and I was bringing him coffee (he orders a Quad triple mocha grande with no whipped cream from Starbucks by the way) and I was working around him, watching him do his little music video-ness, and watched him be a weirdo and tell jokes and be his very very strange self.

Then at the end of it all, after having received so many charming and flirtatious comments from the man of my dreams—- he was a very friendly and chatty person to let you know, ontop of being a giant flirt with every single girl there, an example being my favorite was when I was standing in the entrance of his trailer and he opened the door to get in and I moved out of the way and he said “you didn’t have to move, I would climbed over you….. HAPPILY…” Want I really wanted to do in response to that was pass out and die in shock, but I didn’t luckily.

But anyways, at the end of it all, the wrap of the shoot, he was leaving with Julia Roberts (she was in the video too, I brought her coffee as well and watched her be gorgeous…) but as he was leaving, jeruschka was like “go go go!! go say goodbye!” and I was still so scared even after the 2 days of our obvious intimate bonding, but I did, I caught up to him to say goodbye and he turned to me and wrapped both of his arms around me and gave me a hug, a REAL hug, not just a weenie quick one, it was a long and strong embrace and I once again wanted to pass out and die…. I was literally stunned once again. I think I even forgot to hug back at one point. He then gave me a classic “Cheers” and was off.

And I was off back to work gleaming from ear to ear. Jeruschka said she’s never seen anyone smile that much while counting walkie-talkies. It’s true. I was so happy, still am, and I still can NOT believe it. Sad to say, I will probably be back to my crazy obsessed self again. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!! I’ll tell you more details later, if you’re ever interested, but that’s the gist of the greatest two days of my life. Oh, and an a cool side note, I licked his chopsticks….. 🙂

(or Jessicah known to the entire Dave Matthews “Good Girl” music video crew)

“A little taste of the GOOD life, let the hours roll by I wanna stay, stay, stay, stay for a while….”
(For some reason that song happened to run in my head the entire time, it was so fitting).

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