Going West | Kansas Photography

This past week the kids and I have been in Western Kansas, living a pretty fun little life! My sister-in-law runs this wonderful dance studio (you can see their Facebook page here) out here, and every year she holds a week-long dance camp, which Lulu is loves participating in. Last year was so fun, we decided to come back this year and spend the week enjoying the slower pace of country life. I guess I should point out that farm life isn’t always so slow (during harvest it’s NUTS around here), but this week has been a good reminder for me that rest and easy fun is so necessary for a full life.

Wheat in Kansas

Beautiful Bathtub Light

Farm Baseball

Kansas Sky

Kansas Dance Camp

Dog Photography

Guest Book

While I love living in Kansas City, sometimes I can get caught up in the go-go-go of it all. There is always somewhere to be and something to accomplish. The kids have daily activities and routines, which sometimes can dictate our lives. Out here on the farm, the kids get to be kids. My kids have more independence here than they do at home! They run around the yard or the small towns nearby with their gaggle of buddies, sometimes with no adult supervision. They get to be responsible for themselves and feel that pride of knowing they are in charge. Lucy especially (as at 4-years-old, Tate is still a little young to be all on his own) has really thrived here. It’s been fun to watch her spread her wings and reconnect with all her friends from last year.

Kansas Dance Camp

Kansas Sky Astrophotography Stars

Hays Visit

Gove Kansas Tank


Gove Kansas USA

Quinter Pool Summer Fun

I’m sort of in awe of how the communities around here rally together. Yesterday we got to hang out with the local volunteer fire department and they even let the kids spray the fire hose! We went to a local pool, and the whole scene was straight out of the movie “The Sandlot!” Of course, since Lulu knows everyone, everywhere, we walked in to the pool area and immediately there were three or four kids yelling, “Lucy!” who she knew from camp. It was pretty adorable.

Gove Kansas Fire Department

Kansas Merry Go Round

Quinter Kansas Pool

Ice Cream Sundaes at Ray's Pharmacy in Quinter

Kansas SeeSaw

Lulu and Friends

Kansas Sky Astrophotography Stars

I love coming out to Western Kansas at the start of each summer. It’s the best way to kick off the season. Fun, sun, the outdoors, a few bugs and frogs, and of course, a lot of dancing. It’s the best reminder that simple, uncomplicated fun is always the way to go. Hopefully we can sustain this feeling of ease and joy throughout the rest of the summer!

Tate Caught a Frog

Coloring on the Sidewalk

Quinter Kansas Pool High Dive

Schoolhouse Dance Camp

Movie Night

Schoolhouse Dance Camp

Special thanks to our hosts Adrian and Ashley and the whole Coberly Farm crew! Thank you for letting us crash your serene existence with our craziness!

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