I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane


Today is the day! I’m leaving for my first ever blogging conference, Altitude Design Summit, in Salt Lake City. I’ve attempted to explain Alt to people that aren’t in the blog/design world and they just shake their heads at me like I’m a crazy person. While they could think I’m nuts for lots of reasons, I think trying to verbally state what Alt is all about and how big of a deal it is isn’t the easiest task. Let’s put it this way, at least five speakers I’m planning to see have been some of the my biggest influences in my life during the past six years. Imagine meeting the people that inspired your life’s work and getting advice from them in person. Next imagine sponsors and brands that you’d die to work with (think Martha Stewart, Honest, Blurb, Minted, Land of Nod, Citizens of Humanity…and on and on) giving you unprecedented access. Finally, imagine me, hiding in a corner and attempting to phase out an anxiety attack! Got it? Great!

Trent and I took these Myers-Briggs personality tests a while back (when I was trying to decide if working for him was a great idea, ha!) and I was a bit surprised with my type when I first read it. I’m an INFJ (Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling), which apparently only make up about one percent of the population. I have never really thought of myself as introverted, but I suppose it’s true. Due the nature of my day job, I have always had to be out and about, talking to people and attending social events, but I’ve never been truly comfortable at it. I’d much rather be behind my computer, where I have more control over the conversation and I’m less likely to say something dumb (okay…that’s debatable). Alt Summit is basically a three day intensive in socializing and learning, and while I couldn’t be more excited, I know that it will be challenging. I’m so fortunate that I’ll be staying with my good friend Nicole of Petit Soul, and that she is attending the conference as well. It will be nice to see a friendly face amongst all those strangers.

So wish me luck, Crazybananas readers! I will be posting lightly for the rest of the week, and will hopefully be back in action with a ton of Alt Summit posts next week. Thanks as always for your support, I couldn’t do any of this without you!!!

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend 1-11

Happy Friday, everyone! This was my first full week at my new job(s) and it went fairly well. I can be a bit of a pessimist, so I was pleasantly surprised at how smooth everything was. I’m sure I will regret that sentence the minute I hit “publish” on this post, but for now, I’m going with it. Here are a few fun links from around the web to get you through this weekend:

An actual astronaut, in space, tweeting about Star Trek? Rad. The stars of the show replying to him on Twitter and the meme that followed? The best thing on the web. Ever.

The Golden Globes are this weekend! Sarah came up with a couple lazy hair styles that will make you feel like a movie star too.

I love The Reconstructionists! Every morning they post an illustration of a trailblazing woman, along with a hand-lettered quote that captures her spirit and a short micro-essay about her life and legacy. So amazing!

Friendship bracelet temporary tattoos. Lu has requested five of these.

An orchestra of slum children creating music out of other people’s trash. Beauty is real.

A graphic artist took Van Gogh’s self portrait and made it in to a photograph. The result is astounding.

This video of the Northern Lights has me looking up.

I adore Andrea’s round up of stories that changed her life in 2012.

New Justin Timberlake album! I repeat, NEW JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE ALBUM!!!


Here’s a few other links of my work around the web this week:

Are Paper Dolls the Next Big Trend (And Why It Matters!) on Design for MiniKind

A Photography Guide for a Non-Photographer on the Zesty Digest

Some New Books for a New Year on the Zesty Digest

Happy Weekend!

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Oh, hey, it’s Friday! I can’t believe it’s already the end of the week, and at the same time, it feels like the longest week ever. Lucy and Tate both started back at school and daycare yesterday, and next week I start my new job. I’ve already begun my position at Design for MiniKind and I’m slowly getting going on my Go Mighty Challenge. It’s been hard to get up and at ’em, but I’m hoping next week and a more scheduled day will help me get motivated. Until then, here are some fun New Years themed links to get you through the weekend…

Nat the Fat Rat has a great 2012 round up that made me smile.

Why 2012 was the best year ever! (via Audrey of the Zesty Digest)

I love reading about how 2012 changed peoples lives!

I love this idea of making a few resolutions, but giving yourself credit for all the work you’ve done in the last year as well.

The Top 15 Songs of 2012 via Maggie Mason.

A New Years Ritual to get everyone started off right. Love this.

And finally, as a goodbye to the holiday season, here’s a video of Tate singing Jingle Bells on the porch swing in Colorado. Because, really, it’s adorable and if I don’t post it today, it will be too far past Christmas to make sense. Have a great weekend, and I’ll see you bright and early on Monday!

Happy Weekend


Hey everybody! I hope you had a wonderful week full of the hectic rush that seems to happen the week before Christmas. Obviously this week was a big one for me (read more here) and I’m beyond thankful to be starting my holiday break tomorrow. I have a holiday post that will go up next week, but the rest of the week will be covered by some incredible guest bloggers from all across the world wide web! I am so excited to share them with you. I know you will love them!

I should note that we are still struggling over here with the horrible events that happened one week ago in Connecticut. I still can’t wrap my head around it and I’m not sure I ever will (or ever want to). Taking Lucy to school this week was really hard. The more we find out about those beautiful little children that were lost, the more I find myself swallowed by dispair. One even shared a birthday with Lulu. Oy, my heart. (This post by Rebecca fully illustrates what I can’t articulate here…) I hope you all are treating yourselves and your loved ones with care, turning off the news when it becomes overwhelming, and making sure everyone around you is feeling secure. That has been my goal this week. If you want or feel the need to do something (anything?) for the people in Sandy Hook, here is a great idea. Before we move on, I wanted to share these two tributes, one by the cast of SNL and one by the cast of The Voice. They really moved me and sometimes, for me at least, a few tears is a cathartic thing.

Now, here are some links that I hope will make you smile today and for the rest of the holiday break! The world, and the Internet, can be a really good place.

A video of a soldier’s homecoming in my hometown. (via Nicole)

26 moments that will restore your faith in humanity.

A new whiskey drink is always a good idea.

I made these snickerdoodles with Lane last week and only burned one batch. Yay me! (But for reals, they are super delicious.)

If your friends can make it to your party, take the party to them!

Kelly Musgraves is the artist who did the amazing illustration of my family that we used in our holiday card, and it turns out her whole family is talented! Her sister Kacey is an up and coming country star. And you all know I’m not a country fan, but I am making an exception for Kacey. So good! (She’s on the show Nashville in the next few weeks, yay!)

Paper boats, lit up with colored lights, floating down a river…magic.

Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, everyone! Are you finishing up all your holiday “to do’s”? Yeah, me too. I have a few gifts left to wrap, cookies to bake, crafts to finish and a super fun video to edit and then I’m done. Put a fork in me. A week from tomorrow we are heading off for a family vacation in Colorado, and I couldn’t be more excited. I won’t be posting that week, but I have some rad guest posters lined up for you that you’re gonna love! Just call me Santa!

Here are some fun links to get you through your weekend:

I wrote about one of my favorite Christmas memories over at the Zesty Digest.

Love is such an incredible thing.

Um, Khloe Kardashian posted a slideshow of her favorite Kardashian Christmas cards and I have to say…well, I don’t know what to say. But it’s worth the click over! (Matching motorcycle jackets? Okay then.)

Have you tried the Portable North Pole? We’ve done it the past few years and the magic hasn’t faded for Lucy. This website (with a new app too!) will make a specialized video with Santa talking to your kid, complete with their own name, photos of them and specific gift requests. Best of all, it’s free!

A great holiday wish list from my friend Nicole over at Petit Soul. I would like one of each, please.

I want to visit this swing art installation in NYC!

Last minute gift idea: Printable treat bags! Fill with goodies for your neighbors, teachers or postman. Easy peesy.

Another cute (and quick) neighbor gift, DIY candy checkers. Comes complete with printables. Hooray for easy!

Love this post from Andrea on the importance of being at choice.

It’s hot toddy season! Here’s a great recipe.

Oh Cinque Terre, I miss you so.

2012 in pop songs. Let’s dance!


Here are some recent Instagrams of our lovely, little life! You can follow our adventures over at @crazy_bananas on Instagram.

An afternoon at the park. #latergram #swing #shadowDay 11 - Sweet: Spider-Man jammers in the morning... #fmsphotoaday

My favorite thing about our holiday card pile this year is seeing my images smiling back at me :)From behind the Menorah... #hanukkah #day2

Day 8 - Someone I Love (Part 2) #fmsphotoadayDay 8 - Someone I Love (Part 1) #fmsphotoaday

Santa success!!!I found Rudolph, y'all. He's cuter and more into pink than I remember....

At the Dollar Tree for stocking stuffers. I'm turning into my mother.Day 5 - Looking Up: we are turning our normal decor in to holiday decor. #merry #fmsphotoaday

Tis the season! #salvationarmy #givingDay 4 - Black and White: He's obsessed with the broken, $5 Christmas carousel from Walgreens. #fmsphotoaday #clearancerack

Day 1 -  8 o'clock: Watching Elf in bed with my favorite girl. #fmsphotoadayFlip flops in December? #weird

Cookie baking party with @stinads! I am now full of sugar :)He's got his football and his dad...happy boy.

We are adorable. #sorrynotsorry #trentloveshashtagsKansas City, you are adorably festive.

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