Lemon Loveliness

Did you all know I’m a featured blogger over at Sweet Lemon Magazine’s blog, the Zesty Digest? It’s true! And trust me, it’s awesome. I love writing for a new audience and knew this was going to be a wonderful experience, but I have been floored at how amazing it’s been. And I’m not just talking about the writing. All the other young women who write for this site are some of the most fantastic, unique, intelligent ladies I’ve ever had the pleasure of (virtually) meeting. The love, support and encouragement that they all share with each other, and luckily with me as well, has been one of the most rewarding pieces of this experience. Since this week is a time to give thanks for all the good things in our lives, I figured I’d start with the Sweet Lemon gang, since they have shown me so much support and love over the past few weeks. Here are some of my recent favorite Zesty Digest posts, from some pretty incredible ladies:

This post by Brittney Ann on Communicating Abroad is fantastic! So many awesome resources for keeping in touch with loved ones when they are living in another country.

Julie wrote a truly wonderful (and for me, quite timely) post on the Art of Losing Someone. It is poignant and full of advice for those of us that are suffering and wading through the pain of personal loss.

Nikki’s post on some of her favorite upcoming movies has me so excited to get to the theater over the holiday weekend!

Adair makes super fun music mixes for the Zesty Digest almost every week. My current fave is her Rolling Stone Magazine anniversary tribute!

Miss Megan was the person who led me to Sweet Lemon in the first place, and I will be forever grateful! I’m also pretty grateful for her post on foods that can make your skin look beautiful.

There are so many more awesome posts over at the Zesty Digest, so you should really head over and check it out! You can find my recent posts on stylish glasses, tips on doing something nice for others, and a letter to myself at 20-years-old.

Zesty Digest Girls in Glasses

And if you’re getting pumped for the holidays, you should really click over and paw through the new Sweet Lemon Magazine holiday issue! You won’t be disappointed!

Happy Weekend!

27. Morning... #fmsphotoaday

Hello Friday! Thank goodness you are here, because I’m in MAJOR need of some downtime. With everything that’s been going on in our house the past few weeks, we haven’t had a low key weekend in quite a while. I’m really looking forward to getting started on some projects that have been sitting on my desk and spending some quality time with my crazy little family. They are nerds, but loveable nerds.

Here are some links to get you through your weekend:

The Crazybananas house is sending lots of love and peace to the people on the east coast who are now dealing with a winter storm on top of the Hurricane Sandy damage. This post by Brooklyn resident Mara Kofed of A Blog About Love is so beautiful. I love how New Yorkers come together in times of crisis.

One of my favorite Hurricane Sandy online fundraisers is being held by 20×200, who is selling this NASA print of how Sandy looked from space. Just incredible.

The Park Slope Parents group in Brooklyn is organizing an awesome project to help elderly victims of Hurricane Sandy! Kids can create cards and pictures, mail them to the group, and they will be passed out to the elderly living in shelters with their meals. How cool is that?! More info here.

I dare anyone to watch this video and not cry. I was so excited to hear about all the marriage equality bills that were passed this election cycle. Our world is becoming a better place every day.

I love Michelle’s post about people in real life reading her blog. Being a blogger is such a totally strange and wonderful experience. People think they know you, but who you are on the blog is just a small fraction of what you’re really all about, so it’s definitely jarring when your worlds collide.

The newest Les Miserables trailer is out and Vulture is evaluating every single second of it.

This song just…holy wow. And I never thought I’d say that about anything featuring Drake.

23 women’s magazines, then and now.


Below are some Instagrams from the past few weeks. Have you seen the new web version of Instagram? I’m not sure how much I’ll use it, but it is nice to have somewhere to point people who want to view my photos, but don’t use Instagram themselves. You can see my online Instagram profile right here. I’m @crazy_bananas if you want to follow our fun!

Thanks for the treats, @altsummit! I can't wait for January!Tailgate crew! Go Chiefs!!!!

Getting spooky at the Peters house / Tate, Lucy and I are going to scare Trent.Um, if anyone needs Girl Scout cookies, we have a few to sell. #crap #162boxes

Cuddling by the fire with Grammy. Tate is a lucky little dude.Cousins hiding, throwing stuff at the grown ups feet.

Mini shoot number 2...done!Lucy is having a mock election at school tomorrow...how awesome would politics be if we all got campaign flyers like this? #obama #romney

Fun News!

Want to hear some exciting news? Well, little old me is over on Pinterest as a Guest Pinnner for Alt Summit! Yes, THE Altitude Design Summit! I’m so pumped and honored to be a part of the amazing Alt community, and I hope everyone joins in the fun. Right now I’m working on the Color Lovin’: Orange board, which pretty much means I’m pinning anything and everything in my favorite of all the colors. Yay!


If you’re on Pinterest, come on over and follow me (I’m Crazybananas). Do you have a favorite Pinterest board or pinner? Some of my favorites are Amanda Jane Jones, Paris Rouzati (the creator of Sweet Lemon Magazine!) and Sarah James.

And if you’re looking for more info on blogging and design, Alt Summit is the place to be! Even if you can’t make it to one of their amazing conferences, their blog and online classes are incredible and filled with great tips and tricks.

Happy pinning!

Weekend Roundup


Hello Friday, you have been missed. To be honest, this week hasn’t been very fun at our house. We started out the week with a day of tailgating and friends, but then our beloved (yet horrible) Kansas City Chiefs got killed (again) by the Raiders. Blech. Monday and Tuesday Tate wasn’t feeling so well, and Thursday I woke up without a voice. Today I sound like a 13-year-old boy going through puberty, which isn’t super attractive. Of course there was the devastating hurricane on the east coast, and we are still learning about those who have lost their lives or homes. We are so fortunate that all of our friends and family have been accounted for and most have power back, but we know there are many still struggling. If you’d like to donate to relief efforts, please click here for resources.

In addition, this week has been extra hard for our family because our wonderful Grandpa Ron passed away after a long illness. He hung on for most of the week, but last night he finally passed on, and while we are glad he is no longer in pain, it’s still quite sad. He was a wonderful grandfather to my husband and father to my mother-in-law and we will miss him very much. Rest in peace, Grandpa Ron. We love you.

Megan and Ron


Here are some links from around the web that have me smiling today. I hope they make you smile too.

I love this post by Joslyn over at Simple Lovely about how and why she gave up on one of her goals. I think we sometimes get so stuck in a state of “this is a goal and I HAVE to accomplish it” so it’s pretty brave to admit when it doesn’t work out.

I am thinking of buying a few of these Emily McDowell prints and hanging them around my work space. I especially love the one with the Joan of Arc quote, “I am not afraid. I was born to do this.” You rock on, Joan of Arc!

If you could give a younger you some advice, what would you say? My letter to a 20-year-old me (plus horrible accompanying image of me in my early twenties, ahhhh!) is over at the Zesty Digest.

I’ve mentioned before how one of the things that keeps Trent so in love with me is the egg sandwiches I make him for breakfast. These eggy bread bowls might be a way to switch it up a little.

All of Elise Joy’s posts on business are great, but I especially love this one about the changes she made this year to make herself more profitable and streamlined.

27 reasons why kids are actually the worst. This made me laugh.

Where does the internet live? Check out this post with photos of the interior of Google’s data center, it’s pretty incredible.

That’s it, I need an orange door.


No Instagram photos today, since most of the photos from this week were taken on Halloween and have already been posted (here). I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and hold your loved ones tight. See you on Monday!

Happy Weekend!


Happy Friday, all! This week has flown by for me, but I suppose that’s to be expected. It’s almost Halloween, then it will be Thanksgiving, then we have birthday after birthday after birthday, then it’s Christmas, then New Years and then I will sleep forever and ever, amen. Our weekend is pretty packed with friend time tonight, an early photoshoot tomorrow morning and our first Chiefs game of the season on Sunday! It should be a fun (but probably not very relaxing) few days. I also need to finish the kids’ Halloween costumes and carve a pumpkin or two. Viva la weekend!

Here are some posts from around the web to keep you entertained while I’m away:

Do you hate scary/gory movies? Do you love Halloween? Yeah, me too. I have a new post up at the Zesty Digest, and this one gives you the skinny on Halloween movies for weenies. You know, films that will help you keep your Halloween cred, while not making you want to throw up or have a panic attack? Score!

Love this post over at the Simple Lovely blog, Walk Slowly and Carry a Small Bag. I need to work on this, for sure.

Awesome people hanging out together (via Dooce).

I’m so, so excited about the launch of Go Mighty! I’ve been a huge supporter of the Life List movement (you can find mine here or in the sidebar under “Life Menu”) and I am pumped to learn about the next steps. You can learn the why and when here, then go sign up!

This post from Fat Mum Slim really got to me. How I wish we could all just love our bodies as they are…easier said than done.

Remember when we did a cooking series with Miss Lane a few years back? Well, I still make her granola, because it’s fantastic and super easy, and she has a new recipe on her blog that adds a little pumpkin to the mix. I’m gonna have to try this one!

The Hidden Soldiers: Women of War in Pictures.

This photographer taught himself how to use a camera in 2008. 2008! Now I’m feeling super under accomplished….


Here are a few Instagrams from the last week. You can follow our fun over there at @crazy_bananas. Have a great weekend!

Hello, #kansas sky. #latergramSo, this happened tonight... #mummy #halloweenfood

22. My town... #fms #kc #kansascity21. Calm... Right be before bed. #latergram #fmsphotoaday

One of my best purchases ever was this circle scarf in 2009 from the illbeyarned Etsy shop. Has held up beautifully!I am a study in contradictions.... #wtf #hope #luck #love (@tattly)

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