Jung Test aka How I’m Just Like Oprah and Ralph Nader

I’m usually pretty wary of online quizzes or anything of that persuasion, but sometimes you just want to find out how much you are like Mikhail Gorbachev.

I’ve taken the Jung personality test twice in two days, to see if my result would be different. And although I remained in the same main group each time, I did change my subgroup. The first time I took the test, I was labled in the Idealist Category as a Teacher, along with my good buddies Mikhail and Oprah. Some descriptions of this type were very me, like this:

Teachers like things settled and organized, and will schedule their work hours and social engagements well ahead of time-and they are absolutely trustworthy in honoring these commitments.

But other parts didn’t seem too similar, like this:

Warmly outgoing, and perhaps the most expressive of all the types, Teachers are remarkably good with language, especially when communicating in speech, face to face. And they do not hesitate to speak out and let their feelings be known. Bubbling with enthusiasm, Teachers will voice their passions with dramatic flourish, and can, with practice, become charismatic public speakers.

Yeah, um, public speaking….not so much. Dramatic flourish? I don’t think I could flourish anything dramatically unless I’d taken a few shots of vodka. Then, bring on the dramatics, baby!

I actually only retook the test because I was a dummy and didn’t save the link to the type descriptions, so I had to take it again to get to them. This time I was scored as an Idealist Counselor instead of a Teacher. This one was way more representative of me:

Counselors are scarce, little more than one percent of the population, and can be hard to get to know, since they tend not to share their innermost thoughts or their powerful emotional reactions except with their loved ones. They are highly private people, with an unusually rich, complicated inner life. Friends or colleagues who have known them for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise.

Now, you’re probably thinking, “Megan, you tell us every damn thought you have on a daily basis on this blog. I wouldn’t call you ‘highly private.'” To that, I say:

Blessed with vivid imaginations, Counselors are often seen as the most poetical of all the types, and in fact they use a lot of poetic imagery in their everyday language. Their great talent for language-both written and spoken-is usually directed toward communicating with people in a personalized way.

Do I have any idea what that means? Well, apparently it means I’m like Ghandi, so I have that going for me.

What do you think? Does the test work? Am I full of crap and more like Tara Reid than Ghandi? What is your personality type?

Hope for Nie Nie

Nie Nie Day

Yesterday I woke up and, for the first time in weeks, was home to get my daughter up for school. Trent and I have quite an intricate system, as both of us have busy careers that require immense amounts of time management, where he is our morning guy and I’m the afternoon gal. I go to work early, he gets Lu up and to school, I pick her up in the afternoon. It works out great for the most part, but sometimes I really wish I could be there when she gets out of her bed, all warm with messy hair standing up in every direction, lines on her face from her blankets, eyes heavy and still caked with sleep. I imagine bringing her in to my bed and holding her close, while we wake up together. I think about making her breakfast and picking out clothes (that match) for school. I wonder if she’d be sad about going to school or be excited to see her friends. But most days, like today, I’m sitting at my desk in my office, daydreaming about what she is doing, instead of experiencing it for myself.

Yesterday I had a breakfast meeting that was cancelled. So instead of rushing to get to the office, I took my time and dawdled around until I could hear her stirring. I told Trent to get out of there, get to work and make some money, because I was in charge this morning. Lu started yelling for Mommy, and Trent told me she does that everyday, which made me both mournful and happy at the same time. She is thinking of me in the morning too.

We snuggled, we talked, she grabbed my face and pulled it close to hers. She twirled my hair, entwined with her own. We spoke of school, her friends, what she wanted to do that day, how we were going to see her cousins at the lake this weekend, everything we could think of. And slowly we got dressed, left the house and I dropped her off at school. She ran into the class laughing and immediately started hugging everyone she saw. The little girls, both older and younger, squealed, “LUUUCY!” and ran over to her. She turned back to me and waved, running off with them.

Sometimes it takes a very small thing to put life in perspective. Sometimes, it takes an unimaginable tragedy. Stephanie Nielson (Nie Nie) is a blogger just like me, a beautiful mother with four kids and a husband who should be a model. In fact, their whole family is so beautiful, it’s hard to imagine they haven’t been tapped by Tyra Banks for America’s Next Top Model Family Edition. And, as mentioned by another blogger, how lucky is she to have four kids, all with different colored hair?! How does that happen?!

Nielson Family

Nie is one of those people that I don’t know in real life, have never spoken to her, but through this strange world of blogging, she has affected my life. A few weeks ago Nie and her husband, Christian, were in a horrible airplane crash in Arizona. They both survived, but are still in critical condition, with 80% of Nie’s body covered in third degree burns. They are both in medically induced comas and are fighting each and every day. Their four gorgeous children have been taken in my Nie’s sisters, one of whom is blogging about the whole experience here.

Nielson Family

Since Nie’s accident, the Internet has rallied around her and her family. From sending up prayers and hope in balloons to sending money and cards to the hospital, this virtual world of friends has stepped up to help in any way possible. Today has been declared Nie Nie Day, and there are auctions all over the blogosphere with all the proceeds going to Stephanie and Christian. You can see all of the auctioned items here, and if you can, please try and bid. You could get some great stuff, and also help out a family that truly needs all the assistance they can get. If you want to find other ways to help, or just want to learn more about Stephanie and her family, click here.

And when you wake up in the morning, think about all of the things you get to do today. All of those daily tasks that seem so mundane and laborious. Enjoy them. Take your time. Breathe. And then thank Nie for that gift.

Nielson Women

(All photos in this post by Blue Lily)


A few short, sad weeks ago, my dear, no longer pregnant friend, Abbie moved to Alabama. Or ‘Bama, as I like to call it. Her husband aquired a kick ass job at Auburn University, so she was able to quit working and stay at home with her baby boy, just like I did during the first few months after Lu was born. And though staying home with my child was probably the most rewarding thing I was ever able to do, it did get a bit boring. Those first nine months of Lu’s life were when I discovered the power of the Internet to entertain the crap out of you, especially when your closest thing to human interaction is from a little babe who can’t really carry a conversation (even if he is a very gifted four-month-old).

So for your and Abbie’s viewing enjoyment, here are a few things I’m loving online right now. It should waste 10 minutes of your day, and at least it’s not another chain email or Facebook update:


Custom Keds: You send in a photo or design and Keds will create custom shoes from your image. These would be such a fun gift!
via Mighty Goods

Tiny Living

Tiny Living: How I wish I would’ve found this store years ago! It’s a site dedicated to solving the issues of those living in small spaces. Now I’m finally moving to a place with room for the extra toilet paper, but the ideas and products on this site would still be totally helpful. Anyone in an apartment or small house should definitely check it out. My favorites are the over the tank TP and magazine holder and square sleeper chair.

MJ Crocs

Mary Jane Crocs: I know, sounds awful. But they are so cute! When my SIL and I noticed our cousin wearing them during the family reunion, we immediately had to know where she got them. She had the purple ones and usually paired them with striped tights, a polka dotted skirt and a tie-dyed shirt. I don’t think I could pull that ensemble off, but I could start with the shoes. I have a pair of old school Crocs that I use at the lake or while working in the yard, but I can’t bear to be seen with them on in public. So problem solved, fashion meets comfort!

New York, I Love You: Do you guys remember that film, Paris, je t’aime from a few years ago. It was a love story set in Paris, exploring the city and 18 stories within it. Each five minute story was directed by a different international director and it had an amazing ensemble cast. If you haven’t seen it, go out and rent it RIGHT NOW. I rewatched it last night and couldn’t believe how wonderful it was, even after the third time. Anywho, they’re making a New York version, which of course solidifies my reasoning for moving there. Check out New York, I Love You here or below. But first, donate to my Megan Needs to Move to NY fund. I take Paypal, Cash or Credit.

via Oh Happy Day

Rock the Vote!

Rock the Vote: Tonight I’m working my first Rock the Vote free show in the Kansas City Power & Light District. If you’re in the area, come down between 7 and 9 p.m. for some great music and get registered to vote! I’ll be the one trying way too hard to look cool and hip and alternative. If you can’t make the show, check out the Rock the Vote website for great information on how to get registered in your state.

Blue Lily

Blue Lily Photography: Eye candy for anyone who wants to take great photos or just likes to look at them. This site has provided so much inspiration to me on days when processing another photo seems like a never ending task. Maybe someday my photos will look like this, but until then, I’m just going to keep going back for more! Also, the site’s a great resource if you’re planning on doing family or wedding photos. Be inspired!!!


Lillibelle: This is by far my favorite kids store in Kansas City. It’s a great little boutique on the Country Club Plaza that carries items from rocker T’s to tutus and everything in between. Add in their awesome attitude about parenthood, playroom in the store and family events that allow parents to get a drink, listen to a band and hang with their kids, and this place is Mama Heaven.


Death Cab for Cutie: I know, it’s so five years ago, but I’m mildly obsessed with the new Death Cab album. Great summer tunes, perfect for a crappy 40 minute commute. Check out the video for Cath here.

Hopefully this list wasted some time for you all today, and you found something you liked. If not, let me know what you’ve seen around the Interweb that has made your day a bit more bareable, and maybe I’ll share it here. Maybe not, but here’s hoping!

For Andrea

Does anyone else think this little blog has been all doom and gloom lately? Well, sorry, for those of you that came here looking for fart jokes or stories about how my husband convinced me we needed a new DVD player in order to purchase a Playstation 3 (true story), but this just isn’t the week. We’ve had strokes, we’ve had heart disease, we’ve had pink eye and did I mention that I was eaten alive by chiggers in my lady areas? Because I was, and now Trent is worried I have herpes.

While you all have lives and hobbies and reasons to spend less than 30 hours per day on the Internet, I tend to spend bits of my free time catching up on my web-collegues, a.k.a. other bloggers. Whenever I mention a blog to someone as a good read, they automatically cock their eyebrow and pat me on the head like a puppy. Apparently “blogs” are not considered worth reading and “bloggers” aren’t “good writers.”

Now, this may be true in some instances (anyone on MySpace, I’m talking to you!), but there are so many talented people out there, and writing on the Internet gives them a chance to really express themselves, even if they do have the Average Joe life. And some of them (like her or her or her) do end up being recognized and are rewarded with book deals effectively transforming them into “real” writers.

But every now and then, there are stories that touch your heart in ways that you never thought a website could. I found the site Punk Rock Mommy via Toddler Planet (which I’ve written about before). Andrea was an amazing writer, mom and wife who was dealt one of the shittiest hands possible and somehow found the strength and courage to share her journey with the world. In her own words:

I decided to be nice and try to just laugh about it. Its not that I didn’t feel sad. I did to be sure. But mostly I just thought it was so cliche’. Very Lifetime television. Mom of six finally graduated from college finds out she has deadly cancer the NEXT day? Implausible. I made up a top ten list ala David Letterman. Top ten reasons its good that I have cancer. Some of them are very funny. I let myself cry only a little. I pray. And although I know that the next world is more wonderful than this one, I will hold on dearly and pray for God to let me remain here with my lovely children and wonderful husband. But I won’t be angry or bitter. Life is too short. Especially mine.

I have only followed Andrea’s journey for a few months, but I went back and read most of her archives. With everything that has been going on with my family in the last week, her words had new meaning for me. But when I logged on the other day and found the post labeled “My Last Blog,” I broke down in tears over my keyboard. In her death, Andrea felt the need to comfort not only her gorgeous children (aged 20 years to 1 year) and her husband, but all of us, whom she had never met. Again, her words:

I am sure that some of you are profoundly saddened by my passing. Death is far more about the living than the dead. But I believe in my whole heart that this is what was meant to be for us all. My friends rallied around us and supported us in every way imaginable. What an incredible gift. That was a lesson in selflessness for them. And in acceptance for my family. My children have many wonderful people to rely on. Their father, step father, grandparents, and friends. I have no doubt that they will be devastated. But in time these wounds will heal and reveal themselves to be battle scars that serve as a testimony to their inner fortitude. My children will move mountains.

Thank you all for participating in my life. For providing sweet words of encouragement and prayer. I pray that none of you will ever get cancer, it sucks. But if you do or someone you love does I pray some of my words are a comfort to you all. Have a wonderful life. I will have a wonderful afterlife.

Andrea Collins Smith
© Jonathan Olshefski, 2008 All rights reserved

I feel so lucky to have read about Andrea through her own words and the words of her family. I hope if you have the chance, you will pop over to her site punkrockmommy.org and read about this incredible woman and her family. I won’t even ask you to pray for her, because I know that after reading only one paragraph of her words, you will automatically begin praying without any requests from me. This site was such a blessing this week, while I was so scared for my family, to read the words of someone who has been through hell and came out a better person for it, even in death. What a gift Andrea has given us.


Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’m being torn in half. Being a working parent is always hard, but with Lu starting preschool last week and my insane work schedule, I’ve been punched in the gut with massive amounts of guilt. I don’t see her all day, then I pick her up from the new school, run her across the street to her godparents’ house, and run back out the door to an event for work. If I skip the work event, then I’m stuck explaining to my boss why I wasn’t there or why I didn’t meet that vice president that was to attend. Trust me, not fun. I know that it’s not a normal schedule, and that things will slow down in a few weeks in terms of late night events, but what do I do now? How do I explain to Lu that I really do have to leave her (again) and that I promise we’ll have mama-Lucy time tomorrow? How do I say that to her, when I myself am thinking, “But I want my Lucy time nooowwww!”

The great thing about the web is it has so many stories to prove you’re not alone in anything you do. I’ve read story after story from women in the same position I’m in, and each one gives me hope that I’m not royally screwing up my child for life. This link is to a CNN story where several of the top CNN reporters talk about their balance as working moms, and their own guilt over the choices they’ve made. Hey, if Soledad O’Brian can do it with four kids and amazing hair, then so can I!

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