Tuesday Linkfest Fun

Hi, I’m Megan. And my brain hurts. I blame my mother, my sister, the four kids I was “parent” to this weekend, that mean-ass ho-bag who betrayed my best friend and my husband’s finger for being way too trigger happy with the bleach. And also, both Cory Fedlman and Corey Haim.

So today I’m going to share with you readers reader a few links you need to visit. Ready, set, GO!

Rock, Paper…Dance Off! – I need someone to try this with me. It’s a variation on the classic game of rock, paper, scissors and looks way too fun. I want to drink lemonade and wear snap bracelets and do this. I obviously need more of a social life.

Thank A Stranger – This site made me smile today. It’s a place where you can anonymously thank someone who did something nice for you. Restored some (and I mean some) of my faith in humanity. Can you find my entry?

In Miley’s Defense – Are you extremely upset about the Vanity Fair photos of teen Disney star Miley Cyrus? Geez, get a life. And read this. An exerpt:

Frankly, when you consider her progenitors — Britney in her panties in Rolling Stone at seventeen, Hilary Duff posing for Maxim, and LiLo actually topless in Vanity Fair itself a few years ago — Miley hit this milestone with a minimum of titillation. A simple backless portrait taken in the presence of her parents or minders by a respected female photographer — without a single nip slip or sultry licked lip in sight — is practically a Puritanical achievement.

Mo Rocca 180 – Tim Gunn’s Guide to Polygamist Style – Yes, he’s making fun of a very sad situation. Feel better now? Good. Now laugh your ass off.

OK, people. Good afternoon, good evening and good night. Happy surfing!

Next I’ll Be Seen on Celebrity Fit Club with Dustin Diamond

Updated: Click here to listen to my radio debut, cut down in to sound bytes that make me look like the world’s biggest loser. You’ll hear me complain about my lack of Twitter friends and give horrible parenting advice. Basically an audio version of what this entire blog entails. Happy listening!

Remember earlier today when I posted about Twitter? Did any of you read it? No. Well, fine, screw you. How about my post on Monday about the Bryant Park Project? What? You want more stories about Abbie’s baby? Well, that’s going to have to wait.

Let’s pause for a bit of a backstory:

I started listening to the Bryant Park Project on NPR earlier this month. I now listen to the podcast most days and sit at my desk pretending I’m not in suburban Kansas City, but that I’m in a hi-rise in New York wearing funky necklaces and talking about how great Brooklyn is for kids. The total NYC wannabe comes out and I can’t make it go away. Kind of like that time when I went to a club in KC and told everyone I was from Brooklyn, and when they asked where in Brooklyn, I pretended not to hear them.

Today, while listening to the BPP podcast, I checked my personal email (yes, I’m a bad employee). In my inbox was a note from my bud Lane saying she had joined Twitter and wanted to follow me on the site. I thought to myself, “Hmmmm…maybe I should check my Twitter account.” And then I ate a box of Hot Tamales.

Which should have been the end of the story. But wait! There’s more.

I decided since I had deleted Facebook and MySpace, I could probably stand updating Twitter. I mean, it’s just one site, right? And I don’t have to upload pictures or tell anyone what books I’ve read lately (answer: zero). So I started adding famous bloggers, presidential candidates and random friends. Oh, and also, the BPP.

Little did I know that I would end up being the BPP’s 1000th Twitter follower, leading me to be interviewed for tomorrow’s show and sounding like the king of all dorks on a national radio program. When I told Trent what had happened his response was, “Well, you’re funny on paper, but not so much in person.” Exactly. I sound like a helium-sucking, Gap-wearing, Kansas-raised doofus on the phone. So I can only imagine how fantastic I will sound on the radio.

I’ll post links to the interview when they are up. In the meantime, you can find me hiding in the corner of my office, eating a second box of Hot Tamales and muttering incoherently to myself.

Tweet, tweet

I’ve resisted for so long, but I think I’ve finally given in. After I cancelled my MySpace and Facebook accounts, I decided that updating this website was all the Internet needed from me. I mean, how much do I really need to spew to the world? Does anyone really care? I wouldn’t.

In all of my self-righteouss indignation, I forgot to mention that even though I left those two social networking platforms, I have not quit everything cold turkey. I still have a professional LinkedIn page for work and I still have a Twitter account that I never update. But since I removed my Facebook link, the left sidebar of this page looked a little abandoned, so I decided to replace it with a link to my current Twitter tweets. Are you confused? Let me explain.

Twitter is a social networking platform that is like a mini-website. Instead of holding tons of information, all you do is update your Twitter account with what you’re doing at any given moment. So, for example, right now my Twitter page would say, “Attempting to explain Twitter. Not really succeeding.” The updates on your Twitter page are called tweets, which sounds silly but who am I to rename them? They can be updated through the web or through your cell phone, so you can literally let everyone know exactly what you’re doing right now. Or now. Or now.

So if my daily posts aren’t enough for you, check below my favorite photos on the left to see what I’m doing via Twitter. Or you can follow me on Twitter by clicking here. Don’t laugh at my lack of followers. It’s quality, not quantity, that counts. At least that’s what I tell myself as I cry myself to sleep.

And then my computer came alive and sucked my brain out of my eyeballs. The end.


I’m in the midst of a breakup.

And it’s hard. Really. It is. You learn to depend on something, and know it will always be there. When you’re bored or sad or curious, it always gives you something to do. Something to focus on when you really need an escape.

But I’d started to notice the negatives. How friends didn’t call anymore, they just “messaged.” How random people started to find me. How I quickly realized I didn’t want to be “found.”

So, it’s over. At least for now. I will miss Tom and Zuckerburg, but I still have plenty of friends to keep them company. Even the Bearded Wonder gave in months ago. But I will no longer be at the party.

So if you need to contact me, don’t check my MySpace or Facebook page….you’ll be mildly disappointed, as they no longer exist. Then, you’ll move on. Find a new “friend” to add. As for me, I’ll be attempting to live a more real life.

Well, as real as one’s life can be with a four-year blog that’s updated daily. I guess the Internet won’t miss me after all.

Weekend Rolling

This is the best clip I’ve seen in ages…

(for Trent, who refuses to be Rick Roll’d)

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