Postscript: Halloween 2012

I woke up this morning without a voice, so I guess that means Halloween 2012 was a success!

Halloween Tate Trent Lee

A last minute costume switch made Tate much happier and a surprise visit from Grandpa didn’t hurt either. Tate went to a few houses in our neighborhood before he headed home to serve as the resident candy giver outer. Lucy and I met up with some buddies from her school and trick or treated for a few hours, followed by a bonfire and s’mores in her friend’s driveway. It was suburban perfection.

BFF trick or treating :)

Happy Halloween from Izzy the Pirate and Clark Kent!

Since Tate’s dinosaur costume was obviously a bust, we pulled out this superman t-shirt from Old Navy and he went as Clark Kent. Lu was insistent on being Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates and had been begging to be her since August. I told Lu no one would know who she was, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Everyone was all “It’s IZZY!” everywhere we went. Apparently Izzy is pretty big amongst the first grade crowd. Who knew?

Slow down, girls... #halloween


Trick or Treating

After we got home and put the kids to bed, I settled down with a bucket of candy and a glass of wine to watch some scary movies and the Halloween episodes of New Girl and the Mindy Project. I also made prank photos of myself as a vampire and sent them out to my friends. As one does.

Hey @maralyntho, I made you something...happy Halloween!

All in all a pretty successful Halloween! Hope yours was just as wondrous!

Happy Halloween!

22 Months


Dear Taterbug,

This month you turn 22 months old, which means we’re almost at the end of these letters. When your sister turned two, I decided to stop writing letters so frequently, and instead just write a little note on each birthday, so for tradition’s sake, I’ve decided to do the same with you. It’s all about being fair, Tate. I don’t want either of you in therapy whining that I loved the other one more…and if you do end up there, please make sure to tell them how many times you’ve “accidentally” given me a bloody lip with your flailing head/arms/feet/body, just, you know, so they get the whole picture.


I don’t want to jinx anything, but I think we may have turned a very important corner, Tate. For the past six months or so you’ve been, let’s say…difficult. Every. Single. Thing. is a HUGE CHORE WORTH SCREAMING AND WHINING AND CRYING AND LAYING ON THE GROUND OH THE HORROR!!!! Dinner time is basically me launching macaroni and cheese at your face while you scream at me that its too hot or too cold or too cheesy or not cheesy enough. Then you throw your food on the ground and yell at the dog for eating it. Poor Molly, she does not get you, Tate. Why throw the food on the ground if you don’t want her to eat it? I hear ya, Molly, I have no idea either.

1. From where I stand...the baby and the dog are having a stare down over a cookie. And yes, I'm wearing my sweet MHS track warm ups. #fmsphotoaday

But in the last two weeks, you seem to have broken out of the crazy train. You are reminding me more and more of the happy little infant you once were. Will you ever be as “laid back” as we assumed you were? No, I don’t think so. But you sure are happy. You love to laugh and will find any excuse to do so. The other day, I had a friend at the house and every time she made eye contact with you, you’d fall over laughing. You had us all in tears Tate, it was hilarious! As are you. And you know it.


These last few months have been really hard on me, Tate, and you can sense when I’m sad or when I need your support. In fact, the laughing fit I mentioned above took place as I was crying over some recent drama I can’t control. You could feel the weight on my shoulders, and you picked it up like it was nothing, flinging it across the room with your antics. You and your sister have never been closer, teaming up to make me feel better when I’m down. Somehow you both manage to crawl on my lap as we lean back and forth in your rocking chair, with your hands resting on each others faces as you sing me lullabies.

Tate begs for me to hold his hand while we're driving. He is such a sweet boy.Gave the baby a chocolate ice cream cone. #onefunthing

You are so smart, Tate, already reciting your ABC’s and counting to five. I can finally understand you now, which I think is a huge part of your recent departure from frustration land. You can tell us what you want. We can have crazy, babbly little conversations. You have dance parties with your sister where you’ve developed some pretty sweet moves. You pretend to be a dinosaur and we chase each other around the house. That’s probably your favorite game, pretending to be something that growls. Dinosaur, bear, lion, whatever, as long as it growls in your face, you love it. You’re going to be so pissed when you find out you’re a mere human.

Tate is afraid of the windshield wipers, so Lu has to hold his hand in the car when it's raining.Untitled

Some of my favorite moments with you happen right before bedtime. You love to go to bed, and the minute you feel tired enough, you run up the stairs and lay down on your bedroom floor, waiting for me to change your diaper and clothes. You then gather up your two favorite blankets and your stuffed dog and we settle in for an evening reading of Corduroy, your favorite book. After we’re done, we turn out the lights, turn on your sound machine and rock together for about five minutes. Sometimes you lay quietly on my chest, relaxing into the swaying motion. Sometimes you spend the entire five minutes pointing out my every body part (EYES! NOSE! EARS! HAIR! MAMAAAA!). Either way, it’s the perfect ending to a day with you.


I love you, Taterbug.




Our Favorite iPhone Apps for Kids

How did people parent before the iPhone? I have been an iPhone devotee since Lulu was about three, and having that magical little box with us on long trips or in doctor’s office waiting rooms has been such a lifesaver. We use the iPhone for everything, from getting directions to recipes for a quick dinner to a white noise machine when we’re staying in a hotel. But my kids’ favorite thing to do on the iPhone is play games. So here, without further adieu, are Lulu and Tate’s favorite iPhone apps.


1. Way Cooler – This app takes your photos and makes them, well, way cooler. Lulu has loved playing around, taking photos of herself and others, and adding googly eyes, crazy noses, little creatures and all sorts of fun embellishments. The aesthetic kind of reminds me of old school Ren and Stimpy, and the gross factor is just fun enough for kids her age. Best part, it’s FREE!

2. Toca Boca Birthday Party – Pretty much anything from Toca Boca is on Lulu’s list (we also have the Christmas app, the clean-up app and the haircut app), but her current favorite is Birthday Party. You pick each part of the party, things like a cake, gifts, drinks, plates, etc., and then throw a little party. Lu would spend forever with this game if we let her. Cost – $1.99

3. Fruit Ninja – This is a game that is addictive for kids and adults. Basically, you’re trying to slice up fruit with a ninja sword (aka, your finger) before it falls to the bottom of the screen. Lu likes to play in easy mode, but if you play in game mode, it can get pretty intense. All four of us enjoy this one. Cost – $0.99

4. Don’t Let the Pigeon Run This App – Pretty much anything from Mo Willems is fantastic, and this app doesn’t disappoint. It’s based on his characters from the Pigeon Book Series, and let’s kids create their own stories and then save them to read later. It’s sort of like a mad libs with a grumpy pigeon. There are other features too, like learning how to draw the pigion and memory games with the bus driver. Cost – $4.99


1. Wheels on the Bus – This is one of the first apps I bought when Lu was little, and Tate loves it too. The Wheels on the Bus is one of his favorite songs, so he gets really excited when the music starts playing. For each verse, there is a new screen where you act out parts of the song, while singing along. Cost – $0.99

2. Peekaboo Barn –
This is by far Tate’s favorite thing to do on the iPhone. This app teaches kids about animals, and when each animal knocks at the barn door, Tate gets so excited to hear their noises. He likes to steal my phone and I’ll find him sitting with this game on his bedroom floor. Little rascal. Cost – $1.99

3. Sprout TV App –
This is a great app made by PBS Sprout for kids to watch their programming in a safe environment. Tate will yell “Coooookkkiiiieeee” until you pull up this app and let him watch clips of Cookie Monster. This only works well with Wifi, so keep that in mind when you promise your little one they can watch it. Cost – Free

What are your favorite apps or games for kids? Any lifesavers out there I should know about?

18(ish) Months

Dear Tate,

Last week you turned 18 months old and we celebrated by injecting you with some chemicals so you don’t get sick. Yay, Science! Tate, I’m totally kidding. Not about the shots, you did have to get them, but my inference that they are not important. Your dad and I are very pro-vaccine and pro-western medicine, so I can only assume you’ll end up being a yogi aromatherapist who smells faintly of patchouli. I promise to love you anyway.


That’s what being a mom is all about, Tate. Loving you even when you do something silly. Like, for instance, pooping in the bathtub. Or clawing at me when you’re angry, leaving crazy scratches all over my body like some little were-baby. Or throwing grapes at my head because you saw your dad do it once (I totally caught that one in my mouth because I rule) and now you think it’s the game we play at dinnertime. While this is a fun game, maybe you could wait for me to sweep up the floor before you start grabbing grapes from the previous meal off the kitchen tile. Or at least wait until your dad leaves the room so I don’t get in trouble for letting you. We need to work as a team, Tate!


At your 18 month checkup, your doctor warned me that fun times were ahead. Soon you’ll be speaking in full sentences and writing equations in Mandarin! Or not. But you will be talking so much more and you’ve already started interacting in ways that were unfathomable only a few months ago. Your vocabulary expands daily, along with your love of your own voice, which is a lethal combination for my ears. Add in your love for anything that crashes, and you’re a screaming, stomping, KA-POWing machine.


Tater, you’re my little Bam Bam. You’re sweet and snuggly and love to play “nite-nite” as long as the game ends with you jumping on the bed. You have known how to say “mama” for months, but you never really said it unless you wanted something. All people you love (me, Lu, Grammy) are “dada.” Your dad, ironically, is not, as his name is “DADDEEEEEEEEE,” a word that can be heard from down the street whenever you spot his face. But this weekend I started clapping like a lunatic seal whenever you’d say “mama,” so that’s now your new parlor trick. “MAMAAAA!” you’ll yell, while clapping wildly for yourself.

Good job, little dude. I’m over here applauding like crazy.


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