Seen in Downtown KC

A polka-dotted skort/jumpsuit (or are they culottes, I never know) on a woman with her nose pierced. I wanted to mention to her that if you are rebellious enough to get a rod punched through your nose, you’re badass enough to leave the skort/culotte/jumpsuit behind. And it takes a special kind of woman to pull off polka dots. Sorry, you’re not her.

I’m Interesting, Yes?

Or no. Quite possibly the answer is a very resounding no, as I cannot think of anything remotely worth reading to write about today. I don’t feel like writing about how I finally bathed my dog, and how she is now cowaring from me in the corner of the house. I don’t feel like writing about my husband’s new idea that married couples should have sex at least 4 times a week. Wait, he’s downed the number to 3. Now I feel as if I’m in some kind of auction. I don’t feel like writing about how I’m bored at work, even though the work is pretty interesting, I just can’t get motivated. I don’t feel like writing about how overwhelmed I am with all of my new ideas for freelance work and for this very site. I don’t even feel like writing about Lucy, even though she is obviously the coolest and most awesome kid on the planet. I don’t feel like writing about the fact that I’ve realized my iPod playlist is extremely random and insanely lame (first The Donnas, then Britney Spears, then Cat Power, then BRMC, then Duran Duran, then Dishwalla….who the hell listens to Diswalla?!).

Lately I’ve been looking around the Interweb trying to find some new places to peak my curiousity a little bit and get me motivated to keep trucking along with this site. Although I’m very thankful to have this outlet, sometimes I just don’t feel like spewing anything out into the world. Sometimes the world can do with less spew.

But the world can never have enough cupcakes. Which, for some reason, I really need today. So for all of you local readers, here’s a tip. You must check out Baby Cakes over in the River Market. And when I say “must” I mean “MUST!”

Don’t believe me? Check these suckers out:

Baby Cakes

Gormet cupcakes? Now that is something to write about!

She makes me happy

I’ve been grumpling around way too much for the past few days, so to turn it all around, here is a new video of Lucy Lu in all of her 13-month-but-really-almost-14-month glory. Too bad I can’t watch because You Tube’s blocked at work.

I’m not grumpling! I swear, I’m not!

Untitled from Megan and Vimeo.

Updated: Vimeo is the most awesome of all new internet applications. Why?! Because it’s not blocked at my office! Yipee!

Oh, and in more randomness, after I made this Simpson’s avatar for The Mara’s birthday, I was told it looked NOTHING like her and why did I put a picture of a deer on her shirt. Ummm, it’s Santa’s Little Helper, HELLO!

Anyway, because apparently even though I have bitten off way to much than I can chew in most areas of my life right now, I can still find the time to make Simpson’s avatars for everyone I know. So, let me introduce the Peters-Simpsons.

Simpsons Peters

My mother-in-law is right, I have too much time on my hands.


I’m not a person who gets angry. I’ll get upset, frustrated, even frazzled, but rarely angry. I hardly ever get to a point where my blood is boiling and smoke is coming out of my ears and I can’t even think straight. But that’s where I am right now.

The biggest problem is, I’m not sure who to blame for my current situation. Whose fault is it when you get screwed over by someone? Is it your own fault, for trusting that person in the first place? Should you have checked and re-checked, to ensure you were going to get the result you deserved in the end? Or sometimes are people just absolute fuck-tards who treat other people like shit and get away with it because of some junior high monarchal mentality?

What hurts so much is not the money I will lose because of this certain person’s thoughtlessness, but the time I spent working on a project I was very proud of, which will now never see the light of day. The hours and hours coding and converting and editing, which were hours I could have spent doing something more productive. Like mainlining vodka.

People have told me I need to get over this. I need to move on. Live and learn. Next time, don’t trust people. But I hate that. I want to trust people. I want to be naive enough to think people will follow through with their committments. I want the fact that I think that way not to mean that I’m naive, just an optimist.

But most of all, I want to hit rewind, and not watch the hours and hours of homevideos I had to review for this project. And I want to spend that time with my daughter and husband and friends. But I can’t have that, can I?

See? Now I’m angry again.

Updated: Read this. Seriously, read it. It took away all of my anger and made me believe in something better. At least for a moment.

Sigh, yawn, grumples

Lucy has this pair of PJs that I randomly bought for her when I was babysitting for my sister’s triplets. My sister called late that night to explain they wouldn’t be returning from parents’ night out and would be running away to Fiji. I can’t imagine why, I mean, three six-year-olds? What a pansy? Anyone could handle that.

Point of this long winded story is I had to run out and get Lucy something to sleep in because she had managed to soak the outfit she was in. I went to the local Babies R’ Us (by the way, an extremely frightening shopping experience) and found a pair of “jammers” on sale for $5. They shirt was screened with a picture of a crustacean and had the words “I’m Crabby” below it.

Today, I wish they made those in a women’s medium.

If I had a pair of PJs to wear to work that said “I’m crabby,” today would be the day for it. Instead, I opted for a very chic pair of gauchos (circa 2005) from Target’s maternity line and a lavender t-shirt from Costco. Yes, apparently I’m the kind of woman who buys clothes at Costco. Heaven help me.

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