
Murphy’s Law states, whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Megan’s Law states the same with this addition: especially during the holidays. The baby is sick. Sort of. I think she’s just teething, but she is so clingy and hysterical, which is very rare for her. I finally figured out the secret to getting her to go to sleep, which is her good old sleep positioner. We haven’t used it in months, but what ever works, you know?

Oh, and my computer was thrown on to a tile floor. OK, so I tripped over the cord (and contrary to the Mac commercials that state this won’t happen) and the computer came crashing down. My left shift key is now no longer functional, and I didn’t realize how often I use that key. Boo.

Holiday Hoopla, Part 2

It has begun. The purchasing and the wrapping and the holiday hell. I used to get so excited for the holidays. And now I get all twitchy and anal-retentive (well, more than usual). I think there is so much more pressure now that I have a kid of my own. Not that she has any clue what is going on, though she gets really excited every morning when she’s sees the Christmas tree. I think she forgets that it is there overnight and then when she sees it she’s like, “It wasn’t a dream! Oh beautiful, sparkling green thing that I will attempt to put in my mouth!”

The pressure isn’t to have a perfect Christmas for her, but more that now I am officially an adult. I have a child of my own. I have to stop copping out on Christmas and really pull it together this year. Oh, and once you have a child everyone expects cards and calendars and ornaments ceremoniously celebrating her first Christmas. And I actually like that stuff, usually. I enjoy making Christmas gifts, much more than, AHHHHH, shopping. But it’s just so much to do. And there is so little time.

Maybe I should just send everyone a nice holiday email?

Rant, rant, rant

I’ve been dreading this day for several weeks. Today I had to go to the evil hell known as the dentist. I don’t think I can describe in mere words how much I HATE going to the dentist. I’ve started this ongoing cycle where I go to the dentist, they tell me I have a bunch of crap wrong with my teeth, I have a horrific experience getting everything fixed, then I don’t go back for a year or two out of fear. By the time I go back, there’s even more wrong with my teeth and the process starts all over.

I’ve hated the dentist since I can remember. My parents never really took me when I was younger, and the first time I went was just terrible. I was ten and then dumb-ass’ arm slipped drilling down my gums. Yeah, after that I was prety much NEVER going to the damn dentist again.

But today, after much annoying prodding (ahem, nagging) by my husband, I finally went under the drill again. And now my mouth is swollen and I am grumpy and drugged up enough that I am actually watching the new Real World/Road Rules challenge on MTV.

I need a bottle of wine and mashed potatoes. So if anyone has those on hand, please send them on over.

Baby Fat

Here it is. The awful truth. Even if you are fairly good while pregnant, eating heathy and doing exercise (per doctors orders), you will still gain a shit-ton of weight. The first and half of the second trimester of my pregnancy, the doctors freaked out a bit because I wasn’t gaining enough weight, but by the third trimester I was right on track…and then some. I gained about 40 lbs total with Lucy, and I assumed because I was fairly active it would come off pretty fast. I also knew that if I nursed instead of formula feeding that the weight would come off even faster. That was true. Sort of.

The first 25 lbs came off without me even trying. And as a woman, that time is freaking awsome. Shit, I lost 5 lbs in the last two days. I am fabulous! And then it just stops. And four months later you’ll find yourself still in your maternity jeans wondering if you’ll ever be able to wear normal pants again. And you’ll go to a bachelorette party with a nametag that says, “maternity pants MILF.” Somewhat flattering, but mostly just very sad.

So today I decided that I am going to stop being a lump and actually try to lost these last 10 (ish) lbs. Now, how I am going to do that with a four-month-old? I have no idea, but today I tried to do Yoga and Bellydancing, as those were the two things that got me in fantastic shape right before I got pregnant. But it’s a bit different doing it in a class with an instructor than doing it while watching the exercise network on your TV. I think I may have to find another method. Or else greatly enlarge the size of my living room and remove all furniture and plastic baby toys. It’s hard to find that “special place” in meditation when you knock into your child’s exersaucer, causing the stupid light up thing to go “Mooo, cow, vaca” and then play Old MacDonald.

Attack of the Germ-Bot

I hate being sick. I hate it so much. I especially hate it when I can’t sleep at night because of all of the draining and then my parents come over for dinner the next day. Lord, the stuffing and the draining.

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