My apologies.

The shitty thing about a brand-spanking new job is when it’s amazing and awsome and fun and you get good vibes from all your co-workers and you actually enjoyed going to work you no longer have anything funny to tell all of your closest friends on the Internet. I’m sorry Internet. I wish I could say that my new job made me want to vomit all over my desk and call the Suicide hotline, but it doesn’t. I was officially home at 5:15 without the ever-present urges to poke my eyes out with a dull, unsharpened pencil. Gee, I’ll miss the misery.


OK, I’ve now taken a shot of whiskey and calmed myself a bit. As mentioned above, the new job is the absolute SHIT! Though I’ve never been more tired in my life thanks to Mr. Tom Petty, The Heartbreakers and the evil Verizon Amphetheatre Parking bonanza, I was up a bit later than usual. Some people may say it was irresponsible for me to go to a concert where just entering the venue implies an immediate contact high. To those people I’d like to say, kiss my dog’s hairy ass. Let’s just leave it at that.

If you’ve ever wanted to know what massive amounts of blond hair does at high velocities…

Jeeps. Fun, but bring a hat.

I Miss the Crazy Pills

I am one lazy piece of crap.

I don’t know how else to put it.

I swear, I didn’t used to be this way. I used to be psychotic about what I had to do, and when I had to do it, and I had to be 15 minutes early or I would never get the job, and I had to get straight A’s or I would never get into college, and I had to be a leader on campus or no one would ever offer me more money to stay in college, and I had to be skinny or no boy would ever look at me, and, and, AND!!! Then I met Trent, stopped popping the crazy pills, and realized, MY GOD! No one really gives a shit what I’m doing or how I’m doing it.

Trent is the exact opposite of me in this way. He is one of those people that can give the smallest amount of effort, and succeed. He’s Clinton, I’m Hilary. He’s Sonny, I’m Cher. OK, bad analogies, since Clinton was almost impeached and Sonny ran his ass into a tree and died, but you get my meaning. Trent’s so god damn smart he can sleep in until 10 in the morning and come home at 3 in the afternoon and still get a raise, a bonus, a personal note from the CEO and a swift smack on the ass. I, on the other hand, give WAY TOO MUCH OF A SHIT what others think of me, so I work my ass off, only to get absolutely NOTHING in return.

For example, yesterday The Bearded Wonder returned reaking of NY funk and stale airplane air. He wasn’t feeling too hot, so he napped all afternoon. I wasn’t feeling to hot either. I have one of those “God Damn Colds That Shouldn’t Exist Because It’s Fucking Summer And No One Should Have Colds In The Summer” colds, which is making me sleepy, grumpy, and an all around asshole.

*Small sidenote: I just spilled an entire can of Diet Coke with Lime down my shirt. I am now royally pissed and I look like I’m secreting Diet Coke from my breasts. This post will only become more of a rant from here on out.*

Moving on, I was a grumpy piece of crap, but instead of calling in sick for the afternoon and cuddling with my two hairballs (including Molly) I went back to work. Why? I DON’T FUCKING KNOW WHY!!! Could they fire me for not coming back? Yes, but Friday’s my last day anyway. Could they say they won’t give me my earned vacation pay? Oh, wait, THEY ALREADY DID! Would they not like me anymore? DING, DING, DING! We have our answer folks, thanks for playing.

Today, same senario. Woke up feeling like my throat had been sanded down and painted with scary toxic paint. Nose considerably stuffed, drool marks covering pillows from breathing through my mouth all night. Lips chapped. And adding on to my misery was the fact that not only do we have no water pressure in our shower, now there is no hot water either! But did I call in sick? Guess? What did you guess? Seriously, what? OK, I won’t tease you anymore. Let’s just say, the only time I’ve been writing on this page lately is when I have nothing to do AT WORK. Gee, it’s a good thing I came in today.

At least I’m getting back at the system by not showering in the freezing water two days in a row, now causing my office to smell like a subway station. Damn the man!

*Another small sidenote: I realize that the above post makes me sound like a giant-ass grumpy bitch who is extremely selfish and an all around pain in the rump. True. But if you read closer you’ll understand that in all other facets of my life I have to be “Super-Crazy Nice Please Let Me Help Girl” and this is my only escape. So deal with it! Or stop reading. But if you send me hate mail I will send my vicious Rottweiler to eat your children. Or she may just ask you to rub her nipples.*

Why I’m Smirking (Not Smiling)

Because I got to slow dance with Kip (Napoleon’s brother) to the Four Tops being played by a 6-piece jazz band. I swear to God. Totally not exaggerating. If I can find the pictures of this wedding party in digital format, trust me, they will be posted here. You will never believe it without seeing it. And officially, mustaches freak me out. I used to think they were funny. No longer.

Because I not only told somebody to leave me THE FUCK ALONE when they grabbed my behind at a bar, I also told them I’d send over some tissues if they were going to cry about it.

Because at one point during the post-wedding speeches I looked down at the table in front of me (which, of course, was at the front of the reception hall where EVERYONE was staring at us) and saw a rum and coke, a gin and tonic, a glass of champagne, and two different types of beer. I am officially, “The Drunk Bridesmaid.” As in, “Remember the Drunk Bridesmaid asking the mother of the groom if she could bum a smoke?” or “Remember the Drunk Bridesmaid dancing with Kip to the Four Tops?”


Because I had to leave work today because Trent locked himself out and when I came back to work in a different outfit, I told people it was because my dog had jumped on me. It wasn’t. When you haven’t seen the Bearded Wonder in 5 days there is no containing yourself. It’s an automatic reaction. Especially after the most physical contact you’ve had with another person is sweaty, off-beat, slow-dancing with Kip. I couldn’t help it. **Smirk**


Trolling the internet can lead to some strange discoveries. Today I found a blog site where people can send in anonymous postcards with their deepest secrets.

Mine would say, “I bought soy nuts because I wanted to look like a conscious, organic grocery shopper, but they taste like crap! Right now I just want some fucking Cheetos.”

Next Top Model, Construction Edition

I found another one…

Strange, “what’s over there? Beyond my shoulder?” glance…check!

Clipboard, so everyone thinks I am an inspector of some sort and they don’t figure out my dumb ass should never be allowed on a job site where there are large mechanical devices which could possibly slice of my arm in one swift swipe…check!

Large, J-Lo circa 2001 hoop earrings, which could easily get caught in said mechanical device…check!

Extremely large Storm Trooper/Lego Man hard hat in order to protect my apparently tiny head…check!

Look of constipation…check!

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