Enough, already

As election day draws near, anyone living in Kansas City is being exposed to the new form of political advertising. I know negative ads are not new, but this year they just seem amazingly extreme. Both sides are at fault, especially here in Kansas City where one of the big senatorial races is being conducted on our TV screens. Not only that, but because we live near the Kansas-Missouri boarder, we get the Kansas ads as well. During the five o’clock and evening news programs the only ads that run are political ads. Seriously. Ad after ad after ad. Most not telling you to vote for a certain person, but telling you instead not to vote for the other person.

I’m obviously biased in watching these ads, everyone is, but lately it seems like one side of the aisle seems to be taking these horrible ads to a new low. I can name off the top of my head three prominent Republicans that have blamed their opponents for the meth problem in Kansas City, sexual assault and harrasment, and claiming they have no value for human life. The Democratic ads mainly link their opponents to President Bush, Iraq, oil, etc. And the strange thing is, most of the Republicans are for President Bush and the war in Iraq, yet they respond with negative ads accusing their opponents of supporting organizations that will destroy America like NAMBLA. Why would they respond so negatively to something they openly support.

The ads on both sides need to stop, and I guess in one week they will be gone. Eveyone needs to get out there and vote. And please don’t believe all of what you see on TV.

Katie, Opinions

Here is an interesting article on Alpha Mom about Katie Couric’s entry on the evening news scene? What do you all think?

By the way, if I don’t get any comments on this, and I get comments on my baby’s poopy diapers, we will all need to re-evaulate what we’re spending time thinking about!

Some Thoughts

Today, while I was close to tears over the fact that my baby was refusing to nurse, I began to do my daily internet surfing. My first stop, as always, was CNN.com to see recent news stories. It was there I was first bombarded with images of 9/11. The Twin Towers burning over New York City, on every single page of the site. I could watch video on 9/11 in real time, I could read about those who died, look up names of the deceased. The past few years, I’ve stayed away from writing about that day.

But then I read the stories of the wives who were pregnant that day. The women who had to give birth not even knowing if their husbands, the fathers of their babies, were alive or dead. Or the women who did know, but had to give birth with only a picture next to their hospital bed. And the children, who are just now beginning to realize that they don’t have Daddies and wondering why that is.

And all of a sudden, my stupid nursing problem seemed just that; stupid. I am so lucky to have my family. My daughter is so lucky she does not have to look very far to find her Mommy or Daddy. And no matter what I believe is wrong with this world, I know that is right.

Because I am a Follower

Today I really don’t have anything interesting to say. I’m very tired (not sure why, might be catching something) and a bit grumpy. Tonight is FINALLY date night for Trent and I, so I’m looking forward to that. Oh, and I have now cooked two, count em’ TWO, fantastic dinners in a week. Rachel Ray is the new messiah. And in true radio caller fashion, I’d like to give a quick shout-out to my home-girl, Lane, who introduced me to the concept of cooking instead of ordering in every night, then introduced me to the food channel and Rachel Ray cookbooks. Word.

So, since I don’t really have anything to say, I’m going to post this.

Vanity Fair Cover.jpg

Because everyone else on the Internet is posting it, and I don’t have the energy to split from the group.

However, I will split from my former thinking about this celeb couple by saying that I think this photoshoot is beautiful and their daughter is gorgeous (which I don’t say very much because, let’s face it, I get to look at Lucy every day and she makes every other baby on the planet look a little less cute, because she is by far the cutest). I actually have [gasp!] respect for what they say in their article, you can read an exerpt here. I can’t imagine being a new mom and having anybody talking crap on me or my baby. I think I would hide away for a while too. Because, as a new mom, I can tell you that no mother deserves to have her baby ridiculed or talked about as cruely as this little baby has been. And I’m as guilty of it as the next guy. Tom may be “cruise-azy,” but his daughter shouldn’t have to pay for that.

I usually don’t write about this kind of crap, but one piece of the article just really hit home for me.

“The moment the doctor handed me Suri,” Holmes tells Sarkin, “I was just ready. The feeling is indescribable. All I can say is the moment I looked in her eyes I felt like … Mom.” Holmes continues: “She’s a glorious girl. She’s the miracle of our life.”

I know how you feel, girl.

Another Break Up

If these two crazy kids can’t make it, is there really hope for the rest of us?

That’s what you get for refusing PARIS (yes, PARIS. Paris VOGUE. Dumbass) for a greasy boy with badly groomed facial hair. Seriously, almost ruined my summer.

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