Just so inappropriate!

Today it is snowing. Two days ago it was 70 degrees at night and today the streets are covered in ice and it’s beginning to snow. So I’m spending my snow day stuck inside with a teething baby and catching up on all of my internet reading that I’ve missed out on during the holiday break. And I just had to share this with everyone…so funny…

Yes. Breasts cause people to sink. In fact, women’s breasts are killing people all across the country. How many headlines do we need to see before we take action? “Nursing Mother Kills Twelve at Water Park.” “Local Man Views Nip, Drowns in Slurpee.” “Raised Eyebrows Caused By Breast Feeding Increase Chance of Headaches, Bad Moods, Brain Cancer.” Nursing women are killers, and they must be stopped.

Holiday Hoopla

The holiday season has begun. And I’m already tired, stuffed and ready for January 2nd. Of course, I love spending time with family and friends back in good ole’ Manhattan, Kansas, but it’s just so exhausting! I’m ready to crash for the next week. In the spirit of the season, I’d like to share with all 3 of you (my lovely readers) the things I’m thankful for this year.

1. My gorgeous, little family.
2. Britney dumping K-Fed.
3. White-chocolate-covered oreos.
4. Re-runs of Dawson’s Creek so I can remember Katie Holmes when she was the sweet, young, un-scientologist Joey Potter.
5. Emmit Smith’s win in DWTS!


Eveyone who knows me knows that I am a big proponent of voting. I remember voting in my first election. I was in second grade and it was at the Catholic school that my parents had just transferred me to. We were forced to vote for who we thought would be president in that year’s elections. Myself and one other student in my class voted for Bill Clinton (thanks, Adam Troupe!) while every other member of the second grade voted for incumbant George Bush. When Bill Clinton won, I realized that I was very different than most of my peers. This has continued in my years as a voting Kansan and now a Missourian.

I’ve voted every in every election that I have been able. And every time my most prominent candidates have lost. Until today. My democratic senatorial candidate has won her seat in the U.S. Senate. Thank god, because I was starting to really get worried that my vote did not count.


I hope you enjoy the case of Pabst I gave you to celebrate your stupid “album” dropping, because that is the LAST THING you are going to get from me EVER. I hope your cornrows all fall out and you trip on your manpris and you break your face and you crash your car.

Vote people!

Today’s the day, people! Doesn’t matter who you’re voting for (well, I guess it does, but that’s neither here nor there), just get out there and vote. Lucy and I are headed out to our voting location right now, and she’s all dressed up for the occasion.


Even if you don’t agree with her (which is silly because she is too damn cute) you should still vote! Click here to find your voting location.

Does anyone else think she’ll probably grow up just like Alex P. Keaton and be super-conservative due to her parents pushing their tree-hugging, hippie, liberal agenda on her at an early age?

*Special thanks to Aunt Allison for the t-shirt

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