2013, the year of the non-resolution


I’m a huge, HUGE fan of fairly specific resolutions, and most years I shout them from the rooftops (you can read my 2012 list here). But this year, folks, I’m just not feeling it like in the past. I think it might be because I’m finally at a point in my life where all the planning is coming to fruition and now is the time to DO. My January is so crazy, I can’t even think past the end of the month to what I want to accomplish this year, and so much of what I will want to do will be based on how this month goes. So with that in mind, I wanted to share a few simple goals that I have decided to pursue this year. These aren’t as specific as in years past, but I think my overreaching theme for this year is fluidity, flexibility and openness.

– Treat my body, mind and spirit better. (this one is carried over from last year)
– Take time to enjoy my life.
– Don’t feel rushed.
– Don’t put undue pressure on myself.
– Be open to new and scary things and experiences.
– Don’t worry about things before they happen.
– Get more sleep. (also carried over from last year)
– Read more books.
– Love without consequence.
– Create things.

Let’s rock this, 2013!

(Photo by Christina Gepner)

And Now, for a Little Announcement…


I have exciting news, friends! Actually, I have two bits of exciting news. I have been biting my tongue and wanting to share with you for a while now, and it’s finally time…hooray!

Have you ever heard of Design for Minikind? It’s the fabulous spin off blog of Design for Mankind, which was started by Erin Loechner a few years ago and has become one of the top design blogs in the world (seriously, just look at her press page…I mean, gah!). Erin started Design for Minikind during her pregnancy with her now infant daughter to chronicle her new found love for all things kid friendly with her old love of design. It’s pretty much amazing, is what I’m trying to say.

And now for my little bit news…I’m officially the brand spanking new Research Editor for Design for Minikind! (Let’s all commence squealing!) I am so excited and proud to be working for a site that embodies everything I love about the Internet: good people, clean design, cute kids and functional products. It doesn’t get any better! The very first post I contributed to is up on Design for Minikind right now, and there will be much more to come in January.


But wait! There’s more.

You all know I am a huge fan of the “Lift List” project started by Maggie Mason on her site Mighty Girl (you can read more about my history with a life list by clicking on the “Life Menu” button on the left sidebar or by clicking here). Recently, Maggie started a new, collaborative site called Go Mighty, which is a place where you (yes, you!) can outline your own goals and dreams, post stories about your progress and receive lots of virtual love via followers that will be cheering you on. It’s another beautiful little corner of the Internet, and I was so excited to receive an invite and upload a few goals from my own life list. I had no idea that I would be chosen by Olay, a brand sponsor of Go Mighty, who has decided to sponsor one of my goals!

My goal is to do a photography project where I photograph 15 mothers and somehow capture the essence of motherhood in a photos. You can read more about it over at Go Mighty, where I will be updating with stories as I find and photograph these 15 amazing women. I am honestly a bit overwhelmed by the task (it has to be done by the end of January…and with the holidays plus my new job plus Alt Summit, I will be cutting it really close), but I have to try. If you are in Kansas City and have a story of motherhood you’d like me to share and capture via photograph, please contact me at megan@crazybananas.com. I’m especially looking for a few unique stories, mothers with kids who are older, and mothers who are either in or have a spouse that is in the military, but I’d love to hear from anyone who has a story to share! Please remember, there are only 15 slots and I have to take a lot of information in to account before selecting someone (their location, my schedule, my deadline, etc.) so while I’ll do my best to include you, it’s inevitable that not everyone will be selected. No hard feelings, okay!

Whew, that’s it! Good things in 2013, people! Hooray! Thank you for all your support this year, I can feel it all!


Photo by Christina Gepner

Photoshoot – The Odle Family


I am a person that doesn’t make new friends easily…you know the type, right? I have a few close friends from growing up and then from college, but when it comes to making new friends, I turn in to a total geek. I’m what psychologists call an “introverted extrovert.” I’m pretty good in public, or in big group situations, but I’d much rather be hunkered down with only a few people, or even all alone. So, truth be told, I haven’t made a gaggle of great friends in the last 8 years since I moved to Kansas City.

But the ones I’ve made, they are pretty darn rad. That’s one thing reagarding being picky about your friends, the ones you end up keeping are ones you’re really proud to know. Case in point, my friend Lane, who I met at my second (and scariest) job in Kansas City at a PR firm. When you’re spending 10+ hours a day with someone in a very high stress situation, you are either going to become fast friends or bitter enemies. I’m lucky enough to say Lane and I were the former, and have stayed friends throughout the years, as we both changed jobs and careers. Miss Lane and her husband Keegan had a baby girl, Elliott, this past summer, and I feel pretty honored to photograph them. Thanks for being awesome, Odle Family!



Day 1 of the New Life

Day 1 of the new life...pretty rad! #swing #happy

Ever since I posted last week about quitting my full time job, I have received a huge (and mostly wonderful) response. Everyone is being lovely and sweet about my big change, from the other moms at Lucy’s school, to my family and friends, and even my ex-employers. I’m not really sure what I was expecting, but the positivity directed toward me has been awesome. Yay for all of you!

We are still figuring out this new schedule and new life, so I appreciate your patience while we sort it all. Yesterday we went to the park, had a big breakfast, ran errands, I worked while Tate napped, we went to the gym and then I worked some more after everyone was in bed. I made dinner before 6:30 at night, never felt rushed and didn’t feel so physically worn out. Best of all, even though I woke up with my usual Monday panic (I had a standing 8:30 meeting on Monday mornings at the old job), I quickly realized that was a thing of the past. It felt pretty damn good.

Finding My Path – Part 9: I’m a Quitter


When I started my Path Finder journey in April of this year, I wasn’t sure where it was leading me. I knew I was unhappy, and I needed help. I wanted someone to guide me forward, toward a life better lived. I really thought it would be a magic bullet. I figured after the 30 day course I would know what I wanted and how to get there. Of course, as any sane person would know, that wasn’t the case.

The Path Finder course invigorated me, encouraged me and woke me up…but it did not give me an answer. And I don’t think that was its purpose. Its purpose was to show me what I loved about the life I already had. You guys, I had a great life. I still do.

I love being with my children. I love taking photos that show how wonderful the world can be. I love writing. I love blogging. I love being creative with my hands. I love making things. I love sleeping more than four hours per night. I love living on my own schedule. I love making other people smile. I love spending time with my husband. I love being proud of my work.

I don’t love long meetings. I don’t love writing dry, government proposals. I don’t love sitting at a desk for 10 hours a day. I don’t love my kids being overwhelmed because they are exhausted from 10+ hours of school/daycare per day. I don’t love feeling like my brain is made of scrambled eggs because it’s too overloaded. I don’t love saying no to things I want to do, because there is a long list of things I have to do.

I worked hard all spring, summer and fall, building up my freelance client base and finally (FINALLY) making this blog a priority. I had been writing here for seven years before I ever really attempted to promote it using social media, friends and family. I was afraid of my work…embarrassed really, and stepping out of that little cocoon I’d made for myself was not easy. All of a sudden there were “real” people reading here. People liking my work on Facebook. People re-tweeting my posts. It was terrifying. What if I’d made a mistake? What if I wasn’t good enough and everyone could see it? What if, what if, what if?!

Right when I was at my breaking point, I stumbled upon Andrea Scher’s Cultivating Courage class and I knew it was the right move for me. For 30 days I made a habit of being brave and sharing with a supportive group of people who were my virtual cheerleaders. These people, and Andrea, have made my world a brighter place. I did things I never thought I’d do. I stood up to an unsupportive family member. I asked people to help me. I admitted my failures. And my most recent brave move?

I quit my full time job.

Yep, I did it. And, oh my goodness, it’s f’ing scary. We are losing my income, our stability and my routine. I am going from a full time working mom, to a part time working mom / part time stay home mom…and that’s something we’ve never envisioned for our family. I will be working for Trent’s company 20 hours a week, staying home with Tate and Lu, and continuing the work I’ve started here, on this blog. For my husband, it’s a step toward making his company a bigger force in it’s field. For me, it’s a chance to be free, a chance to build my creative endeavors so that when he sells his company I will be able to make a leap forward into a real creative career. Like I said, scary. And wonderful.

I want to say thank you. Yes you. Thank you for being here and reading along as I write my life story. The next chapter begins soon…

(See my entire journey, here.)

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