Next Top Model, Construction Edition

I found another one…

Strange, “what’s over there? Beyond my shoulder?” glance…check!

Clipboard, so everyone thinks I am an inspector of some sort and they don’t figure out my dumb ass should never be allowed on a job site where there are large mechanical devices which could possibly slice of my arm in one swift swipe…check!

Large, J-Lo circa 2001 hoop earrings, which could easily get caught in said mechanical device…check!

Extremely large Storm Trooper/Lego Man hard hat in order to protect my apparently tiny head…check!

Look of constipation…check!

Maybe My Head’s Just Small

I have found that when in the midst of what we like to call, “A New Job Search,” it is VERY difficult to find ANYTHING interesting in our current jobs. Hence, I am posting twice in one day. The world of the Interweb reaps the rewards of my agony!!!

In my boredom I decided to search my company’s (which will remain nameless) server for pictures of myself, which illustrate my pain. Instead, I found a picture from a rather fun building tour.

MY GOD!!! CHECK OUT THE SAFARI HARD HAT!!! I knew it was big, but love of Jesus, that thing is flipping huge. I look like a lost storm trooper. I wondered why all of the engineers were snickering at me. Or maybe it was the fact that I was a…wait for it….it’s coming….a….a…GIRL!!! Girls aren’t allowed on job sites! We might try to put a bow on something.

Do you see what I mean by meaningless ranting about current job. So counterproductive.

The Dog Done Lost Her Mind.

At least she didn’t eat the blade. Then we’d have some issues. I do like how she chose the pink razor instead of Trent’s blue ones. She’s such a girlie girl.

P.S. I am now so hungover that it took me about 3 minutes to write the word ‘dog.’ I kept writing ‘dod,’ ‘dot,’ and ‘dop.’ I am just so proub og muself.

Happy Birthday!

It’s my one-year website anniversary. Literally, one year ago today I posted the first entry on what would later become the Crazy Bananas phenomenon. Hooray for me! Let’s all have cake and drink beers. I think that sounds like a grand idea. Don’t you?

Happy birthday to me and my PowerBook “Macaroni.” This is our anniversary picture from one year ago. My, how we’ve grown. We’ve had quite the virtual year. Also, happy “interview for new job day” to me. Let’s hope I don’t say “fuck” during the interview. Or “poop.” Or “shit.” Possibly “crap,” but only under the right circumstances.

$20 Drinks and Being Rejected.

So, there was obviously no late-night, drunken blogging last night. Truly, we would have, but we felt like such losers we had to come home and drink more before stuffing our faces with PB&J sandwiches and Easy Mac. Oh, and fruit snacks.

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After several hours of attempting to pre-drink (Abbie barely drank and Mara was getting a bit annoyed with my lack of drunken behavior) we headed out to swanky bar central, The Plaza. After hearing Abbie bitch the whole way because her feet hurt, we stopped at a certain swanky bar with a swanky Red Room where we went to order swanky drinks. $20 freaking dollars!!!! Love of GOD!!!

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At this bar, the long held mystery of woman was finally revealed. Though when boys are caught staring at us and trying to pick us up, we get extremely pissed, we get much more irritated when we are not picked up. AT ALL. NOT. BY. ONE. FUCKING. GUY.

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And it’s not that we are looking to pick up guys (Luke and Trent, don’t fret), but damnit, if I’m going to get all pimped out for a night of swanky barness, there better be some glancing in my direction. At the end of the night, we finally realized we were either the biggest lame-o’s on the planet (or quite possibly, the universe) or we are just so fucking hot and gorgeous and awsome and funny and exciting and intriguing that we are unapproachable. I’m going with option number 2. Because I am that vain.


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