And then Trent threw the TV out the window

I’m obsessive, have I mentioned that? And when it comes to movies, it can get really bad. I’ll find a movie I like and then I’ll watch it over and over and over again. I’ll tell little white lies to friends saying, “Why no, I haven’t seen that movie” just so they’ll watch it with me. I’m a freak. And a nerd. And a dork. Amen.

This is why Trent seriously contemplated calling a lawyer and starting divorce proceedings when I discovered High School Musical, because he knew he’d have to watch it a million times or else move out of the house. Things came to a disturbing head this Sunday night when I curled up in bed to watch some movies I’d borrowed from my mother-in-law this weekend, including a new favorite, Pride & Prejudice. In the middle of a very tense scene with Lizzie Bennett and Mr. Darcy, my TV just shut off. The horror! I ran around the house like a crazy person trying to fix it, trying to get my husband to fix it, even trying to get the dumb dog to fix it. Surprisingly, not one of us had any luck, and I think that TV may have to be sent to TV heaven.

So, now I have to watch all of my movies in our living room, therefore having to deal with Trent’s teasing and having to expose that yes, I am watching the same movie I watched yesterday, except I’m fast-forwarding to all of the good parts. And yes, I am crying. Shut up.

Do you want to know what it’s like? To live in my house? To watch movies with a psychopath? Well, thanks to the Internet, I can show you!

First we fast forward through all the crappy stuff, stopping to watch a few scenes here and there, like the one where Mr. Darcy dances with Lizzie at the ball, until we get to this humdinger about halfway through:

Gosh, those two kids are just full of drama aren’t they. But you want them to be together, you know you do. Work it out, guys!

Then you fast forward to the incredibly awkward scene after she refuses to marry him.

I’d run out of there, too, Lizzie. But don’t worry, he still loves you!


Yeah for happy endings! And men walking through the mist. And lines like, “I love. I love. I love you.” Yeah for stuttering!

Then, if you want, you go on the Internet and find the movie trailer, just because you’re a total freak.

Then you find the Harry Potter version of the same trailer, because, apparently, there are people freaker than you on the Internet who seem to have a lot of free time.

Wait, where are you going! You wouldn’t leave would you, we’re just getting to the good stuff!


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3 replies
  1. Mikayla
    Mikayla says:

    Oh my goodness. I am about to make your day, week, maybe even year since Winter is about to begin and I can’t imagine you having only one TV while it is miserable outside.

    Heath and I have an extra TV. Even an extra DVD player if you want it. In fact our extra TV is larger than the one you had in your bedroom. Its really bad when you have a two bedroom house and four TVs like we do.

    So the TV that my ex-boyfriend, Josh, gave me seven years ago so I wouldn’t bother him while he played video games with his friends, Trent and Heath on the big TV in the living room. Now it is sitting in our basement ready for Megan to enjoy HS Musical on 🙂

    By the way – I went to Nordstroms the other day and in the Junior section they were playing the HS Musical soundtrack at full blast. I had to leave the floor because it was so loud!

  2. Theresa
    Theresa says:

    I never knew this secret behavior it is quite funny and disturbing. Maybe disturbing to you I do not own a TV and it has been over a month since I have watched TV…

  3. Daisy
    Daisy says:

    Hahahaha! I admit it, I tease my huband when he watches The Matrix over and over. I’m more likely to read the same book over and over, and he’ll get back at me that way. But…Pride and Prejudice? Awesome — book and movie, both.


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