Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

The Apple Orchard

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

One of my favorite things to do each fall is visit Cider Hill Apple Orchard with the kids. October has been completely nuts this year, with my work, the kids school schedule and extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, this has meant we have missed some of the traditions we usually love to do each fall. But I straight up REFUSED to miss out on apple picking! So one day after school, the kids and I headed out to the orchard and were lucky enough to grab the last of the harvest. Since it was a weekday, they didn’t have all the activities they usually host during the weekends, like apple cider donuts and treats, but having the quiet orchard all to ourselves was more than worth the trip. I ended up making an awesome apple pie out of our pickings, and the kids were excited to much on apples they had picked for about a week.

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

I’m glad that even with our busy schedule, we made this activity happen. We’re so lucky to live in a city where you can enjoy the best aspects of an urban atmosphere along with afternoons like this one out in the sunshine.

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

Cider Hill Family Orchard : Kansas City

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