Social interaction is dangerous

Have I ever told the Internet about my last night out in the only place in Kansas to vote for the democrats in the last TWO, count em, TWO elections (so don’t blame me for this W. debacle)? Well, as tonight I am heading back to Lawrence, Kansas to visit some lady friends, I figure, it’s time, Internet.

I went to Lawrence to visit my friend The Mara who is one of three people that post regularly on this site. Usually, she posts about the food she ate that day, how much she studied, what she drank the night before…basically nothing having to do with my posts. I should create a new category on this site called “The Mara Comments.” The Mara is the next big Internet Celebrity. I can feel it!

So The Mara and I sat around on our butts with two other girlfriends and did what any young, reckless, crazy girls would do. We watched Gerard Depardeux in “My Father the Hero.” Classic. We are SO FUCKING AWSOME.

After that excitment, the other two girls were too “tired” to go out (with us). They did manage to stay out until 6 a.m. with some random boys…but that’s beside the point. The Mara and I decided to venture out into the night where social people interact with other social people and actually leave their homes/computers/TVs behind. Scary. Seriously frightening. Going out that night taught me why I don’t like to go out with the people who leave their houses.

There was the drunk group of guys just back from their friend’s wedding who seemed to think that our scowls of discontent were invitations to sit way too close to us and feel up The Mara’s thigh. Then, when they got kicked out of the bar, felt the need to return with their pants around their ankles and lay down on the table right next to us.

There was the other group of guys who were extremely irritated that The Mara and I were “spinning” the little men inside the foosball game. They would yell. Then leave the room. Then we would start spinning again. Then they’d walk back in and yell again. It was a never-ending cycle.

Then there was the bartender who I thought was my new best friend. He, for some unexplainable reason, did not feel the same about me.

Then I decided I liked the world with the social people where there were all the pretty lights and colors and I could see four of each person and all the sidewalks seemed to lean to the right. So I went to explore the apartment complex of The Mara.


I fell asleep.

On the ground.

By a tree.

I dreamed that The Mara found me the next morning by the tree and pointed and laughed and made a fool of me. So I quickly awoke from my slumber, picked some the grass clippings of my shirt, and went back to The Mara’s.

Hopefully tonight I won’t fall asleep on the ground, but damnit, I will spin on the foosball table. Just try and stop me. Bastards.

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3 replies
  1. Trent
    Trent says:

    Yes, fun times indeed. However, you forgot to mention how upon return to KC you made your SO watch Gerard Depardeux in “My Father the Hero”…. seven times. Indeed.

  2. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    Now this is why I like this website…seriously, usually, as people may or may not know, unlike most of my other friends I’m not a huge “make me by the center of attention” girl, but with this website, I get to be! Though usually it makes me look foolish, I’m not right there turning scarlet red for everyone to laugh at! They can laugh at their homes, in private, if they feel the need to laugh. Megan, you and I have discussed many a times how at moments you and I are excited/in hysterics about things that happen to us but other people just don’t get the joke. Oh and by the way…I had forgotten about My Father the Hero, I WANT IT BACK! Sometime, not right away, right now I am absolutely obsessed with everything about the movie Garden State. Anyway…I didn’t prepare my apartment like I would have liked the for the arrival of you and Amber, on a part of the ADD, but we shall have a blast, I hope! Drunkeness…here we come! Maybe we’ll post something nice and strange late late tonight!


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