Peace, Love and Holiday Cards

I love holiday cards. LOVE THEM. Even though I see everyone’s photos and accomplishments through the year via social media, there is something special about opening up the mailbox and getting a card full of joy. Throughout the rest of the year, the most exciting mail I get is from my bank, so getting something fun in the mail is such a treat! I apparently need a pen pal, because I turn into a giddy five-year-old when I get a card in the mail.
Disclaimer: Yes, I’m aware that holiday cards are expensive and can be overwhelming for some…I get that. Trust me, if the thought of creating and sending out cards makes your stomach crawl, DON’T DO IT! Surely it could be just another unneeded stress during the busy holiday season. Have some hot cocoa and watch a Hallmark Christmas movie instead. Maybe the one about the Christmas Town or the one with Candace Cameron as a doctor. Either way, you win!
But then the tree comes down, the holidays are swept up, and I’m left with a stack of lovingly made holiday cards. Now what? I feel like a dolt just throwing them in the trash! So every year they sit in a box with my decorations until the next year, when I unpack them and wonder why the heck I saved them all.
This year I’m trying something different. I am a huge fan of Pastor Adam Hamilton, and the other day he mentioned an idea for leftover holiday cards on his Facebook page. He takes all the cards and puts them in a basket or box, and then each day he takes out one card and makes a point to pray for that family. I’m still working on learning how to pray…but for me, it basically means I think loving thoughts and send good energy toward people I love. It may not be perfect, but it works for me. Yesterday, I gathered up all of my cards and I’m starting this process today. I feel like it’s an awesome way to move on from the holidays, but still be thoughtful toward all those people who made my mailbox trips so joyful these past few weeks.

Man, now I wish I had your home address so I could be in the pile! Plus, then you’d see how great your photos look on our cards. 🙂
I should send you my mailing address! I love seeing how clients use their photos in holiday cards. It’s another reason I enjoy getting them so much 🙂
well send away, we still have a little stack of cards that need a home. 🙂