Mama, I lub him!

Last Friday, I was one of the lucky chosen moms selected to be a “Room Mother” for Lulu’s preschool Valentine’s Day party. Now, let me prefice this with the statement that I’m pretty awful at this sort of stuff. I’m not a big fan of religious holiday’s being celebrated at school, but at least Valentine’s (though rooted in Christianity) seems to have been watered-down by the powers that be (i.e. Wal-Mart) to just be a big old lovefest, sprinkled with massive amounts of sugar. Best part is, I don’t have to fight with my husband about Jesus and Christianity and all those other things we haven’t quite worked out in our seven plus years together. Sidenote: When it comes to religion, my kid is going to be so confused.

Valentine’s Day is a pretty inclusive holiday, and I look good in red, so I figured this would be the party to sign up for. I joked to my friends that I would have to find myself a velour sweatsuit and some Ugg boots so I could fit in with the other moms at this *ahem* slightly wealthy school. Lulu attends this particular school because it’s right next to my office, but it just so happens that my office park is located directly beside a very fancy housing development. Trent’s aunt and uncle both live in this neighborhood, and they have kitchens bigger than our entire old house. And they have refrigerators inside their drawers! It’s like magic!

I thought my jokes were so funny until I walked into Lu’s class and there I was, jeans and flats, while two women in furry boots stared at me from across the room. Whoops.

All in all, the party was very sweet, and Lu did really well. Some of the other kids were so overwhelmed by their moms being there, the moms had to leave the room to stop the tears. Lu, on the other hand, just stated to each kid in the class that this was “her mommy” and then went about her business. Most of her business included hugging one little boy who she calls her “best friend.” He calls Lu his “girlfriend” and they spent most of the hour hugging and sitting next to each other and sharing treats. The teacher mentioned that they tend to act like brother and sister, fighting one moment and hugging the next.

I was like, wow, that’s so sweet!

Waiting For Valentines

Staring at her love across the room…

Then I realized her comment reminded me of something. My marriage.

To the man I met in preschool.

Crap. It’s starting already….

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