I’m finally done! I can’t believe it:) I just took my last Italian final, also the last final of my undergraduate career. It’s insane. Now I’m just hanging out in Florence for the next two days and then I leave for Spain Sunday. I’m extremely sad to leave Florence. Everyone else leaves before me and it really sucks! Oh well, I know I’ll see most of them someday down the road:) OK, gotta jet.

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4 replies
  1. Theresa
    Theresa says:

    Congrats i bet it feels wonderful. Maybe it will be nice to taken in Florence a little bit by yourself before you leave I know i sure enjoyed it when i was gone to have a couple days to my self. I miss you and I can not wait for you to show me your expierences state side. Take care and I love ya!

  2. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    Hey congrats….I have talked to you like eight times
    since you posted this little blurb, but you were getting
    pretty upset that people weren’t posting stuff, so here it
    is my sweet! I love you and miss you like crazy, and I am soo
    happy that you are with my Abbie now. I know she may be a little
    overwhelming (just kidding Abs) but you sounded like you were
    needing a familiar face! Good job on your finals, like I’ve already
    told you! But anyway….the celebration begins tomorrow, as you well
    know! You will be here in spirit! Just kidding, getting a little
    sappy here, but I miss you like CRAZY! Well have fun in Spain and with
    my little girl, HURRY HOME! Be safe on your travels, buy me lots
    of presents and think of my often!
    Love Always
    The Mar

  3. Émilie
    Émilie says:

    Ciao bellissima signorina,
    Finally done 🙂 Isn’t great? I’m so happy 4 u. Just wanted to wish you a really nice trip to Spain!
    Can’t wait to have news from u.
    Miss ya!

    Un baccio


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