I hate lemonade

Sometimes, nothing is right or good or happy or smiley. Sometimes, nature ravages the earth for no good reason at all. Sometimes, the more you try to help someone, the more you hurt them. Sometimes, you have to let go. Even though you really, really don’t want to. Even though your whole heart and body ache with the thought of it.

I think I’m having one of those moments/days in my life when you look around at all the suffering and the pain and the anguish and the sadness, and your whole world seems pointless. You realize what you really want, and what you won’t stand for anymore. You realize even though you’ve done what you can for a cause, it’ll never be enough, there will always be more to do.

Some big changes are coming. Hopefully I will still have this outlet for cathartic reasons. This site has become like therapy to me. Even when my day is so shitty that I can barely blink fast enough to keep from screaming/sobbing, I can always sit down at my computer and find something to laugh about. It always puts things in perspective for me. I’m so lucky to have that.

Oh, and another development this weekend. My sister’s triplets finally met my dog. After they got over the initial shock of “That’s not Cali! She’s the wrong color! I don’t waannnnnttt her in the waaaater with meeee!” they adored her. Although they were very curious about one thing…

Tyler: “Mama, what are these?” points at Molly’s zillion nipples

Me: “Yeah, Beth. What are those?” Yes, I am a bitch

My Sister: “Ummm…they’re, well, they’re belly-buttons.”

Dylan: “BELLY-BUTTONS?!” extreme disbelief

Sloan: “That’s a lot of belly-buttons! Why does she have so many?”

Me: “Yeah, why so many?” evil, Chucky-like smile and flames in eyes

My Sister: “Because.” looks at me like as to say “if you say one more thing, I swear, the dog gets it!”

The belly-button conversation is now officially the kids’ favorite topic. I’d probably want people to know if I knew a creature with 8 belly-buttons too! The insanity!

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3 replies
  1. The Mara
    The Mara says:

    Well hello there miss depressing! I just wanted to inform you that I was taking some practice quizzes online for my geography test on Thursday and I was excited to get a C (73%)! My lowest, oh wait for it…wait for it… yes..a 4-8-%! I should do amazing! Oh but wait, I have a quiz tomorrow in my pols class, have I been studying for that?!!? Why of course not, but I haven’t turned the tv back on, which I am proud of. I think I may fail….all of my classes! I have an algebra test on Thursday also and an astronomy test on Friday. So like I said, Friday you should come drink with me…I’ll be ready! I think I may be the stupidest 22 year old freshman alive. I think I have ADD more than ever now. Funny how you realize those things……well life goes on. Hopefully my parents won’t be too disappointed with me when I have to transfer to JCCC full time. Just kidding, hopefully. Anyways…just thought I would take a break and say hello and I’d better get my butt back to studying or god knows…

    PS I probably won’t be answering my phone until Friday, so let me know if you are going to come hang out. I have to work on Saturday at noon. 🙂

  2. Abbie
    Abbie says:

    Hey Megs, cheer up, you just spent the who weekend with me!!!!! I just watched the O’Reilly show (who I’m sure you don’t like) 🙂 but it was really funny! They were talking about the whole Kayne West thing. Wow, my life sucks. You are at the Dave concert and I’m in Manhattan watching TV and looking at every website known to man. Oh, I guess my only news is that my dog got a new kennel. I lead a very old married couple sort of lifestyle. You know you’re old when your only news is you dog got a new god damn home. Oh well. Life goes on!

  3. Mikayla
    Mikayla says:

    Satchel got a new (well, new to him) dog kennel this weekend…wow….I refuse to pretend to have a “very old couple sort of lifestyle” I don’t know you very well Abbie but damn, you hit the nail on the head!
    Megan- I will not be living the “very old couple sort of lifestyle” for a whole week. I will simply have a long distance boyfriend, ah the good old days…(I love you Heath). So CALL ME Megan. Abbie, you should join us too…


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