Mental Health Specialists Have Confirmed My Fears

Today is officially the day from hell. In ways I cannot and will not describe because I really do not want to get fired from my job. So, instead of putting all the juicy details about all of the horrible-ness, I am, instead, posting THIS. This is what makes me smile when I feel the need to pound my head rapidly on my desk. Sigh.

P.S. I know it’s old. I don’t care.

Deja Vu

Just now, as I was taking the trash from my giant lunch that has made me unbutton the top button of the only pair of pants that seem to fit me, I walked past a collegue’s desk that has a TV above it. I clearly do not get a TV because everyone knows how easily I could be distracted by the thought of cable. So this TV had on Fox News and there was a car chase on it and it SOOOOO made me flash back to last year where I saw at least one daily car chase on Fox News at my old job where the equivilant of porn is watching a George W. Bush “Victory” speech.

Happy Friday

AKA, happy last day of the week to puke at work! Ironically, to celebrate everyone finding out I’m having a baby, we’re having margaritas at work. And by “we” I mean everyone else. I am still at my computer. I’m sure Heath is grinning ear-to-ear reading this post. Yes, I am miserable again. But everyone keeps telling me it will all be worth it when I see my little kid in my arms. If they are wrong there will be hell to pay.

Also strange, I had my first baby dream last night. I had the baby and I was the same size I am now, and I was completely amazed that such a big baby came out of my body. Then I carried the baby around the hospital trying to figure out what sex it was. It was a girl, with brown hair and big brown eyes. I put her in the nursery and went to a K-state football game. Boy, I’m going to be a great mom!

Proof that someone is out to get me

Last night I was at work until midnight. True, I did take a break to get a haircut and watch Rock Star: INXS (I’m not a slave), but still, working that late takes it’s toll. This morning I drank almost an entire 2 liter bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper. Then, just as I began to hear birds singing and children laughing, we had Chinese food. The one time lunch is brought into the office and it’s GOD DAMN CHINESE FOOD! I can feel my conciousness slowly slipping away. So tired. I need a cigarette. But I’m too tired to smoke one.

And, I think, in my sleepy state, I broke the color printer. Again. Yes. Again.

I think I need a vacation.

It’s natural, I tell you!

One small complaint about current place of employment.

Small office = bathroom right next to cubicles.

I’m a scared pooper. Or maybe a paranoid pooper. I don’t like people to hear me poop (or pee, actually, but I can get past that). I used to be able to hold it until I got home to my pooping haven. Now, since I work 23.75 hour days (slight exaggeration, but it sure does FUCKING FEEL LIKE IT) I have to do the deed at work. I’m sure they’re not listening, or if they do hear then they are doing everything possible to avoid listening, but it still grosses me out. Just let me poop in peace!

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