Yogarific Zazen

Our nights in the new, improved Peters House have been a bit hectic. When I get home I immediately start working on some project to kick the new place in to shape. About 45 minutes later (and usually with crap now strewn about the house in piles), Trent gets home with Lucy and the two of us fix dinner. By the time we’ve all eaten and cleaned up, it’s around 7 p.m. and time to start winding down for Lu to go to bed. That kid needs massive amounts of sleep, so she’s usually conked out by 8 o’clock. Since we are now the proud owners of a DVR system, Lu and I have been curling up in the den with some giant fuzzy blankets and watching recorded episodes of Sesame Street to wind down from the day.

Last night I found myself just too tired to contemplate trucking downstairs with Lu. Instead I laid down on her floor while she played around me. I started stretching and before I knew it I was practicing some random yoga moves I learned from my maternity yoga class three years ago. Lu finally looked up from her baby doll and asked, “Mama, what you doing?” Before I knew it, the two of us were in the middle of her bedroom in downward facing dog pose. We ended up doing a bunch of different moves and she had a blast, giggling manically as we moved from one pose to the next. Not exactly relaxing or meditative yoga, but very fun and good for the soul.

I think I need to spend more time doing things like this. The tension has started to creep up on me, and I’ve noticed myself getting more irritable and cranky. I don’t quite know how to explain the pressure I’m feeling, to be the mom, to be the breadwinnner, to be the wife, to be the homemaker, to be myself, but I can say these types of activities do help quite a bit. It’s so easy to get caught up in making everything perfect, your home, your job, your life…and that can be too much for anyone to handle.

We all need to remember to breathe.

In Limbo

Last week, after I signed my life away to the bank funding my mortgage loan, we finally got ourselves together and started moving several carloads of crap from one side of town to the other. One of these days I will write a post describing this strange transition, how you can feel like you’re in a different country when in reality you’re only 40 minutes away. Not only are we changing addresses and zip codes, we’re changing states. We’re leaving our urban lifestyle for suburban bliss. On Sunday, Trent even mowed the lawn at the new house, which wouldn’t seem like a big deal except at the old house a guy named Rave brings his lawnmower to our house in his broken down van and charges $15 to mow our patch of a yard.

So right now we are living a life in limbo. Half of our stuff is at the new house, half at the old one. I pack my car up with junk everyday and take it to the new place over my lunch hour. Most of the non-essential living items have made their way to the suburbs. Things like photos in frames, books, albums, paintings and extra sheets. This past weekend Trent’s wonderful mom, step-dad and sister came up to Kansas City and helped us paint a few rooms. I now have an orange kitchen and a yellow bedroom, which makes my mother shudder, but makes me very happy. I can’t wait to start living there.

Most of the essential living items are still at the old cottage, preventing us from staying at the new place full-time. Beds, cribs, cookware, tables and giant server racks are still waiting patiently for this weekend, when we will stuff a U-Haul full and leave the cottage for good. This makes me a bit sad. I am excited to move, much more excited than I was a few weeks ago, but it is still hard to leave my old life behind. Our old house hardly looks like the place I love, as it’s covered in boxes and spots of white spackle dot the walls where art was once hung. It is bare and cold, but there are still whispers of my life there. I can still remember pacing the creaky floor, holding infant Lu close to my chest, praying that she would sleep. I remember decorating my first room, our bedroom, while Trent was away on business and his horror when he realized I’d bought mosquito netting to cover our bed. I remember the morning I awoke to flowers and a proposal. I remember birthday parties with friends, walking down to the Plaza and stumbling home in a drunken stupor. There is so much to recall, and so much to be thankful for.

Walking to the Art Fair

Last night, after filling the car with another load of stuff (this time, toys from Lu’s room), Lucy and I sat our on our wonderful front porch, playing in her sandbox. Lately, she’s been very clingy to me, as her life has been turned upside down. Each day she asks me where that painting went or why her toys are gone or who broke her bookshelf. We try and explain that we’re taking all of these things to the new house, and she usually says okay and moves on. Yesterday, as we sat outside on a cool October night, like we have many times before…when I pregnant with her, when she was an infant, after she learned to walk and now, as a kid that seems smarter than myself on most days…she came up to me and whispered in my ear.

“Mama, you happy!”


I Have a Case of Monday’s

My doctor prescribed the following video to enhance my recovery:

B-I-N-G-O from Megan on Vimeo.


As semi-promised, here is a new playlist for everyone. This one is a bit brighter, less dark and sad and depressing. Most of the songs have been in constant rotation on my summer playlist, and a few even make me get up and dance around my very crowded office. And we all know how much engineers love it when the dumb blond in marketing is bopping around the office. This playlist has a much lower level of antidepressants, and a higher dose of acceptance and joy. I know most of you don’t even listen to these playlists, but I hope you do hit play on this one. Because I want you all to know what good music can do for the soul.

I’m headed out for a few weeks vacation. Hit play while I’m gone. You won’t regret it.

(Yes, the Jonas Brothers and Rhianna make appearances…because sometimes a little cheesy pop music can make all the difference.)

Update: It looks like is having some issues. Check back later and hopefully everything will be up and running again.


Saturday Morning

Song of the Moment: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz

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