100 Things: Parts 41-60

41. Hold a leadership position in local government
42. Take Lucy to the circus
43. Teach English at a school in Asia
44. Visit Washington DC
43. Attend a political rally
44. Donate to charity anonymously
45. Drink wine in Central Park
46. Renew my vows on a beach
47. Live in a house on the Italian Coast
48. Reconnect with an old friend
49. See the Earth from space
50. Get my masters degree
51. Hug a koala bear
52. Visit the Grecian ruins
53. See a Broadway play
54. Sell a piece of photography
55. Go to New Orleans during Marti Gras
56. Cook every night for 7 days
57. Drink a pint in an Irish pub
58. Find out about my lineage and visit where my family comes from
59. See my mom’s old house in South Chicago
60. Ride in a rickshaw

100 Things: Parts 31-40

31. Turn off my phone for a day
32. Organize a family reunion
33. Go on a mother/daughter trip with Lucy, my sister and her daughter
34. Pay back my and Trent’s parents for all they’ve done for us
35. Ride a camel
36. Attend P. Diddy’s white party
37. Be content in my life
38. Cross 50 items off this list
39. Buy a very expensive pair of shoes just because they are pretty
40. Take a university level design or photography class

100 Things: Parts 21-30

21. Grow my own cantaloupe like when I was a kid
22. Spend a day at a spa
23. Play in a real rock band
24. Buy a brand new Mac computer
25. Send my daughter to college
26. Work on a horse ranch
27. Go white water rafting
28. Teach Lu how to ice skate
29. Report from a foreign country for NPR
30. Live in a “green” home

You can see Parts 1-10 by clicking here. Or you can see Parts 11-20 by clicking here.

100 Things: Parts 11-20

Please keep your ideas coming in the comments, as they are giving me great insights on what to add to my own list.

11. Give a stranger $100 on Christmas Eve
12. Go on a honeymoon
13. Own and train a horse
14. People watch at the duomo in Florence with Lucy
15. Take the train to St. Louis from Kansas City
16. See the Bodies Revealed exhibit
17. Take photos of someone famous
18. Attend a taping of the Oprah Winfrey show
19. Vote for a woman for president
20. Give a speech about my dad

You can see Parts 1-10 by clicking here.

100 Things: Parts 1-10

It’s so easy in our hustle and bustle lives to get stuck. It only takes a minute for any person, no matter how great, to lose touch with what is really important and get lost in the mundane details of daily life. And it takes even less time for that life to be gone, mundane details and all. I started to develop this list a while ago, but in the past week, I have really started to take stock of my life and what I want to do with it (thanks to Mighty Girl, who posted her own list last week). What’s important to me? And I wanted it to be truthful, not a fake representation of who I am. So I’ve finally decided to post my list of 100 things I want to do before I bite the big one. The list is ever changing and constantly evolving, but I thought it would be a fun idea to keep it on this site and cross out those items that I do accomplish. Because we all know how much I love to-do lists. And how much I love crossing items off said lists. It will be interesting to see what items actually do end up getting crossed off and which ones will just stay on the list as a symbolic wish. My hope is that some of you will leave me some ideas in the comments…what is on your list? Why? I’d love to know.

Items 1-10

1. Learn to play the guitar
2. Purchase my own house
3. Get my scuba diving certification
4. Visit all 7 continents
5. Skydive
6. Get over my fear of boats by going on a cruise
7. Learn to snowboard
8. Blog everyday for a month
9. Write and publish a fiction novel
10. Take Trent to Amsterdam and eat lunch on the lawn of the Van Gogh Museum

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