World’s Okay-est Halloween

I love Halloween. It’s by and far my favorite of all the holidays, mostly because it’s a little bit morbid, I don’t have to fight about church with anyone AND there’s an endless supply of mini-Twix that my children willingly collect for me while I just sit back and enjoy. Other things I love: costumes, tacky decorations, and watching Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow. Therefore, Halloween is officially the best!

For whatever reason, this year’s Halloween felt a little off to me, not necessarily in a bad way, just in a different way. I know our years of trick or treating are getting fewer, as Lucy is already cooler than all of us put together, so I’m sure she’ll ditch this whole crazy train at some point. But maybe not…maybe her nutty old mom can convince her to be one of those teenage trick or treaters with the garbage bags of candy. One can only dream (of mini Twix…).


Lucy was going to dress up as a “Dryad Tree Fairy,” but the very expensive costume was apparently too itchy, so she ditched it after the school festivities for a homemade “ninja costume.” Yes, she is wearing my running hoodie. And every ninja needs to make sure they are sporting some pink Chuck Taylors, to keep their enemies on their toes. Tate planned to dress up as a dog, but then found a plastic tub full of my nephews’ old costumes and immediately decided he wanted to be the robot with wings. When I realized he had no idea who Buzz Lightyear was, I first scolded myself and then promptly sat down with him to watch Toy Story. He was even more excited to then dress up as “Light Buzzyear,” as he told everyone who asked who he was.


In the Mom Fail department, I totally spaced on the day of Tate’s Halloween parade at preschool (although in my defense, if they kids have school on Halloween, why would you have the party two days earlier?!?!?), which was a major heartbreaker for both of us. Not only was he the only kid not in a costume, I had to leave and go to work while all the other moms and dads stayed with their huge cameras and their energetic smiles. The teacher had to physically remove a sobbing Tate from my arms as I left. And then I sobbed in the car, as one does when they totally ‘eff up and let their kids down. Later that day, Lulu and I went to the toy store and got Tate a little apology gift, a brand-spanking new Buzz Lightyear doll. I felt sort of weird about trying to buy his forgiveness, but since he was wearing a hand-me-down costume…scratch that, his mom FORGOT his hand-me-down costume…I figured it was okay. That’s my goal here, people, World’s Okay-est Mom. Am I winning?


Hope you had a fantastic Halloween! If you need me, just follow the little trail of mini-Twix wrappers until you get to the couch!


Sometimes it pays to have friends in high places! IKEA family and friends day! Squeeeee!!!! #ikea #kc #kansascity #yay

It’s here, it’s finally here! Today the brand spanking new IKEA Home Furnishings opens in Kansas City! Everyone knows I’m a pretty big fan, since we fell deeply in love at my first IKEA experience in Newark New Jersey almost 10 years ago. I’ve been patiently waiting for the Sweedish furniture giant to come to Kansas City, but honestly, I never really thought it would happen. I mean, a Trader Joe’s AND an IKEA?! Could we be so lucky!

This past weekend Trent and I were lucky enough to attend a special “Friends and Family” day at the new store, so we got a sneak peek of all it’s awesomeness. I also forced Trent to buy a stupid number of stools for our house, which I tried and failed to put together myself. I’m sure I’ll be spending plenty of time at IKEA in the near future. Did any of you check it out yet? What do you think? I mean, furniture and meatballs?! That’s a win-win, people!

Endless Summer S’mores Bars

At the opening of summer WAY back on Memorial Day, I attended a backyard BBQ with a few friends and their families. Yes, the company was totally fun, but what had my heart racing was the food! I am not what one would call a master chef (or just “a chef” or “someone who can cook”…more like “prime minister of boxed mac and cheese”), but I love having friends who can whip up a good meal, especially when they share with me! One friend not only made an amazing dip that I parked myself by for the entire party, but she also brought these incredible s’mores bars. After some unfortunate and unattractive begging, she passed on the recipe, and I’ve made them several times over the summer. They are easy to make and a huge hit! Even though summer is technically over, I plan on bringing these to a few tailgates this fall, and I will probably have to make extra batches for me to keep in my fridge just in case I’m in need of a s’mores fix!


S’Mores Bars

2 sleeves of graham crackers
1/3 cup sugar
1⁄2 teaspoon sea salt
2 sticks of butter melted
1 package milk chocolate chips
1 package mini marshmallows

Preheat oven to 350. Line a 9×13 with foil, grease foil. Grind crackers in food processor. Mix crumbs, sugar, salt and butter in a large bowl. Set aside about 1⁄2 cup of mixture. Press the rest evenly into pan. Cook in oven for about 12 minutes. While crumb crust is cooling, melt chocolate chips. Pour chocolate over crust and spread evenly. Sprinkle marshmallows over chocolate, press lightly into the chocolate. Sprinkle the remaining crumb mix. Broil for about a minute. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Try not to eat the entire pan in one sitting, but if you do, I won’t tell anyone!

Friday Kitchen Dance Par-tay!!!

Because it’s Friday and what’s a blog for if not for dancing around like a doofus for the whole wide Internet to see?

The world has seemed like a scary place, lately. I know that dancing around my kitchen won’t change the world, but I feel like finding the fun when you’re afraid could maybe help, even just a little bit. Dancing when you’re scared, laughing when you’re angry, helping others when you are hurting…I really do believe this can change our world for the better. So find the fun today, friends! Dance and laugh and love. It really is the easier, softer way.

A Little Summer Break


We just returned home from a little holiday with Trent’s family in Idaho. I haven’t spent much time in that part of the country, but the few times I have, I’ve found it to be a magical place. Maybe it’s because I live in a humid, flat, suburban sprawl, but looking around at mountains, rivers and forests is so peaceful. We drove through Yellowstone and spent some time in Big Sky, Montana as well. On our way to the airport I realized for the first time in ages, I forgot my big DSLR camera at home! At first I was disappointed, but then I realized how nice it would be to travel lightly for once. Are my images as crisp or technically good as I’d like? Nope. But they are wonderful just the same. And I was able to experience all these moments as they happened, instead of through a viewfinder. Good stuff.

Happy 4th of July from Big Sky, Montana! #4thofjuly #family #fun #montana #bigsky #love #mountains #beauty

Lucy's first hot springs...she approves! #summer #vacation #idaho #heisehotsprings #fun #happy #hotsprings

His first time climbing! So proud of this little man! #rockclimbing #bigsky #montana

Bear World comes complete with a kiddie carnival. Score number 2! #whee #bearworld #idaho #carnival

This hedgehog is giving me the stink eye... #hedgehog #zoo #idaho #idahofalls

Bear World!!!! #score #christmascard2014 #growl #bearfamily #idaho

Bye bye, #idaho! #cousins #love #buddies #tateandbrooklyn #cute #family

This will be my last post for a while, as I’m taking my annual Digital Sabbatical for the rest of the summer. Summer is so fun for our little family, and I want to make sure I spend as much time as possible really living it. Sort of like leaving the DSLR camera at home, except this time it’s on purpose! This blog turned 10 years old this year, which is both parts amazing and unbelievable! But in order to keep it going, I need some time to refuel and make sure I’m taking in all that real life has to offer. There is a blogger I love and admire who hasn’t posted in months, and when a reader asked her about it, she said while she misses her blog, she finds she has a much more fulfilling real life when she’s not worrying about blogging all the time. I realize this blog is a part of me, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop posting completely, but a little summer break is definitely needed! Happy summer-ing, everyone!

(P.S. I’ll still be updating the Crazybananas Facebook and Twitter here and there, so follow on those if you’d like to keep up with our summer happenings. And of course, I’m sure I’ll still be Instagramming up a storm, so follow me over there for some images of our fun.)

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