Happy Weekend : Some Fun News!


I am so, so excited to share some amazing news with you all! If you’ve been reading around here for a while, you will probably remember my Go Mighty project from earlier this year (click here to catch up if you have no idea what I’m talking about…). At the completion of that project, the company Olay was kind enough to make a donation to a charity of my choice, and I decided to donate the money to the Willow Domestic Violence Center in Lawrence, Kansas. The Willow Center was so excited about the project, and so thankful for the donation that will help numerous women and children trying to flee domestic violence situations and build new lives for themselves.

And now for some more good news (as if that wasn’t enough, ha!)…the Willow Center has just informed me that they will be having an art/gallery show in October to celebrate Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and they will be featuring the Motherhood Series in the show! I am so honored and feel so incredibly proud that the first art show featuring my photography will be for such a worthy cause.

I will certainly provide more details as the show gets closer, but this was too exciting not to share right away! Thank you to the Willow Center for such an amazing opportunity, and thanks again to all the mothers who participated in this project! Of course a huge thanks goes out to Go Mighty, for providing encouragement and support along the way, and to Olay for helping me do something so awesome!

Stuff and Things, A Little Life Check In

Chapter 15 before bed...Harry sees You-Know-Who for the first time! #harrypotter #reading #bedtime

It’s now been a little over six months since I quit my full-time job to try a whole new adventure. I thought it might be a good time to check in and share a bit about how things are going and some of the challenges/successes we’ve had. I can safely say, the life we are leading now isn’t exactly what I envisioned when I left my boring, yet stable corporate job. But as you may have guessed, it is much, much better.

When we decided to make this big change for our family, I will admit, I was going on a million cylinders. I had no idea how I was going to pull off the manic schedule I had set for myself (spoiler alert: I didn’t), but I committed to working as hard as I could to do it all. This is what my life looked like six months ago:

– 20 hours per week working as the head of marketing for Trent’s IT business (half from home, half in the office)
– 10 hours per week working on this blog, including posting five times per week using an editorial calendar, working with sponsors/guests, managing my advertising host, social media, projects with other websites and blog networking
– 5 to 10 hours per week doing photography and managing details of my photography business
– 5 hours per week working as the Research Editor for the website Design for MiniKind
– 2 hours (plus or minus) per week as a contributor to the Sweet Lemon Magazine blog
– Lucy in school five days a week, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
– Tate in daycare two days a week, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The math is a little scary. 47 hours of work per week, with 12 hours of week of childcare for my kids, which leaves 35 hours of work per week that I need to pack in to whatever free time I had remaining.

It didn’t go so well.

It got to a point where I would put the kids down for bed and would immediately rush to the computer, desperate to get everything done and meet all my deadlines. I was only sleeping a couple of hours per night on the regular, so my work got sloppier as I continued to slog through everything. By mid-March I was completely burned out. We had made this change so I could be with the kids more, and yet the time I spent with them was harried and miserable. I was always exhausted, stressed and never living in the moment. It wasn’t ideal.

It was around that time that I had lunch with another local blogger I had met at Alt Summit in January, and she mentioned to me I could probably cut down on the weekly posts. That sounded like a start, so I reduced my weekly posts from five to three. As time went on, I relaxed my editorial calendar, and started posting more like I did a few years ago, when I had a story to tell. There is still some sponsored content, and other items that must go up on a deadline, but for the most part, I completely ditched my blogging schedule. Now I usually sit down on Sunday evenings, think about what I will post that week and set up a loose outline so I don’t feel like I have to start from scratch. Many of my photos are only mildly edited, and I stopped trying to create designs that were so perfect all the time. Sure, the site isn’t exactly Pinterest candy anymore, but that’s okay. It was worth the trade.

I also cut WAY down on the social media portion of blogging. Twitter, which used to be my number one platform, is mostly used for quick updates these days. I rarely network there because it’s a time suck and that’s just time I don’t have the luxury of spending there. Ditto with my Facebook page. I am still really into Instagram, so you can find me there most days, but I have cut down on the “social” part and mostly just use it to record my life as I live it. Pinterest, poor Pinterest, is pretty much gone from my day. I’ll still get on about once a week to keep my items updated and poke around, but I limit my time and try to be mindful of when I’ve been on for a while.

I read less blogs, which is sort of a bummer, but was definitely necessary. I started using Feedly (RIP Google Reader) to keep up on the websites I love and it’s worked out pretty well. I have noticed the trend of blogging less has seemed to spread throughout the blogosphere, so I don’t feel too far behind, as many other bloggers aren’t updating as often as they once did. I find myself much more drawn to personal blogs, as opposed to the design/product/photography blogs I used to read. I like reading people’s stories and hearing something I can relate to, and the blogs I’m still reading reflect that.

As far as my non-Crazybananas work, I still am working 20 hours per week as the head of marketing for Trent’s IT company. I’m loving the work we are doing there and feel like it’s making a real difference. The photography has slowed down exponentially since the end of my Go Mighty project in March. There are some big things in the works for that project, but they won’t get going again until around September, so I’m enjoying a little break. I have done a handful of personal shoots, but I’ve kept that number quite low on purpose, and mostly have only been doing shoots for close friends or family. In early June, I resigned as Research Editor for Design for MiniKind, which was a sad, but good move for me. While I enjoyed working with Erin more than anything, we both felt we couldn’t put in the amount of time / energy needed to make the work stand up to the level we wanted, so it made sense to amicably move on. I feel so lucky to have gotten to know Erin and will always be grateful for the opportunity she gave me. I also resigned from blogging for Sweet Lemon Magazine. But that was because I was chosen to be a contributor to the magazine itself (not just the blog) and I wanted to focus on that. My first article can be found in the last issue, and another fun DIY will be in the next issue (out soon!).

As for my life with the kids…it’s pretty sweet. Now that it’s summer, I have even less child care, but so far we’ve fared okay. I work when Tate naps, and still at night too, and we spend the rest of the time out having adventures or reading Harry Potter. I have worked more sleep time in to my schedule, which has made for a much happier and more patient mama. I am a classic over-achiever and perfectionist, so taking the time to step back has been really difficult for me, but the wealth of positivity that has surrounded me lately has proven that I’m making the right choice. Sometimes less is more.

Last year, in my Path Finder course, we chose a word that would be our “Word of the Year.” Last year, my word was “DISCOVER.” I so badly wanted to find out who I was and what my purpose was in this life. I was miserable in my career and was worried I’d never find my way out. I was going to discover my passions and make big changes. And I did.

This year I chose a new word. Granted, I didn’t do it until recently, but I think it will carry me throughout the next 12 months. This year, my word is “ENOUGH.” I am tired of feeling like I’m in a hamster wheel, constantly trying to do and be everything to everyone. Enough. I can’t post five times per week anymore and I can’t keep taking on new jobs. What I have on my plate now is enough. I cannot be perfect. I am enough. My work is enough. My life is enough.

And this post? It’s enough.

Happy Weekend : The Last Before Summer


Today was a little funny around the Crazybananas house, it’s the last Friday before summer break. In less than a week, school will be out and our first summer with me at home (more) will commence. I am so very excited. In the past, summer’s have been sort of hard for me and the kids. With my old work schedule, and Lucy’s school schedule, all “summer” meant was scrambling even more to get childcare. It certainly never felt slower than the school year, in fact, it was probably more chaotic. Two summers ago we had a nanny full time, which was WONDERFUL, but so expensive. Last year Lucy went to daycare back at the place where she went to preschool, and where Tate goes, but it was still hard. She wanted to sleep in and hang at the pool, but our schedule just didn’t allow for that. I hated her missing out, and dreamed of late wake-up calls and lazy days in the summer sun.

This year is so completely different from where we were before. I will still be working two days a week in the office, and our fabulous former nanny Amanda will be with us on those days. But three days a week plus weekends it will just be me and the kids! I know it won’t be easy, and there will be days when I wish I could escape to an office, but hopefully those days will be few and far between.


The one thing I will miss are my mornings alone with Mr. Tate. For the past two years he’s been tagging along as we’ve run Lulu to this or that activity, with little regard to his wants or schedule. But while she was in school this semester and I was home, we finally got some time to hang out alone. Today we had our last lazy Friday, laying around in our PJs and playing trains, taking breaks only to watch some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It was lovely.

Next week it will all change. Again. That seems to be a theme in this here life of mine. So far, change is good. Let’s hope we keep the streak going!

Inspired By…Erin Loechner of Design for Mankind + Design for MiniKind

Oh, you guys, I am so, so excited today! Today is the first installment of what I hope (fingers crossed) will be a regular series here on the blog, “Inspired By…” This series will cover people from all walks of life that are doing cool things out in the Universe and inspiring me with their gumption and all around awesomeness. Hopefully these interviews will also inspire you to try a new way of doing something or possibly to try something new altogether!

Today’s post features one of my favorite people on the Internet, Erin Loechner. You may have heard Erin’s name around here before, and that’s because I work as Erin’s research editor on her child-focused website “Design for MiniKind.” Erin is also the author of the award-winning website “Design for Mankind” and has been featured on the Huffington Post, Apartment Therapy, HGTV, and Lucky and Glamour Magazines. She’s pretty incredible, is what I’m saying, and she was kind enough to answer some questions for me about her workflow, priorities, balancing life with new motherhood and how “slow blogging” changed her perspective. Thanks Erin!!!


Last year you had your first child, your daughter Bee. How have the demands on your time changed since her birth? Has your work schedule changed dramatically? Were you prepared for the change?
Oh, the demands of motherhood. You know, I’m only nine months into this gig, so I don’t know that I have a lot of really sage advice on this subject. But, I do know that I value my time much more than I ever did pre-Bee. And it’s not because there’s less of it, really. It’s just that, suddenly, there’s this urge to create something meaningful and honest and authentic – something that I’ll feel proud of. Something that I feel will justify the time spent away from my family and this beautiful new creation. I know it all sounds so very dramatic, but it’s true. I never want Bee to look at my work and think, “This was more important than me?” Perhaps even more so, I never want to look back on my own work and ask that same question.

So I suppose the answer isn’t that my schedule has changed as much as the work itself has. My priorities and yes’s and commitments look very different now – but I think for the better. I hope for the better.

It’s a change in myself I didn’t anticipate. I’d assumed that new motherhood would force me to become more efficient and flexible and task-oriented, and although it has to some degree, it’s also done the opposite: I’m becoming more thoughtful and engaged and slow-paced. I’m quite liking the change.

What does a normal day look like for you? Is there a “normal” day? How much flexibility do you allow in your schedule from day to day?
I’m a creature of habit, so I do have a “normal” workday. This is a pretty clear picture of how it works around our house during the week (minus Bee’s morning nap because, sadly, she’s dropped it already!), but on weekends – all bets are off!

I do try really hard to be flexible and take advantage of the fact that my job is mobile and most deadlines are self-imposed. Today was beautiful outside, so I ditched the to do list and headed to the zoo! I’m a pretty dedicated worker bee, so it feels nice to give myself the day off every now and then (even though I generally end up making up for it with a late night!).

What tools do you use to make your workday more efficient? Are there any applications or web-based tools that allow you to organize your life a bit better?
I’m a big fan of the traditional to do list on paper, but here are a few of the tools and techniques I love, love, love.

You’re a proponent of the “slow blogging” movement. Can you explain what that is? How has living that philosophy changed your work and home life?
Sure! Essentially, I’m doing my best to turn the inspiration faucet down a bit. I love that my work is so heavily rooted in visual culture, but I think that with the rise of Pinterest and various social bookmarking tools, we’re losing an essential element to creativity: the story. I’ve always identified with writing as my first love, so I’ve been focusing on sharing the details and struggles and stories of today’s creative projects, rather than simply sharing an image and moving on to the next bigger, better thing. It’s a challenge to re-train myself to think deeper and write with more meaning, but I’m really enjoying it.

The added benefit, of course, is that the philosophy is trickling into other areas of my life. I’m becoming a slower, more thoughtful responder in conversations and I’m seeking out more purpose and intention in my own creative work. It’s been a welcome change.

What advice would you give to another working mom who is trying to figure out this work/life thing? What advice was given to you that you found helpful? What about advice that missed the mark?
The best advice I can give is to take a moment, breathe deeply and re-list your priorities. They’ll likely look a lot different than they did pre-baby, so write them down (and, if you’re like me, limiting them to just three might help. I tend to get overwhelmed easily!). My priorities are listed here, and I can’t put into words how much the act of listing them helped to navigate this whole work/life balance thing. I’m a big proponent of setting realistic expectations and placing value on things that matter to you (that might not matter to other women). It’s the reason I have dust bunnies that scatter my floor, but always make time to take long, leisurely walks with Bee.

In terms of advice I’ve received, the most helpful thought was when a girlfriend shared that what you do first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day (so choose it wisely!). Luckily enough, my schedule allows for lots of family time in the morning, and I feel so grateful that I get to start my day with the priority that matters most in my life. I often look back and remember those mornings where I hit the ground running, answering emails and drafting articles until midnight. It was a productive time, yes, but not a time I remember accomplishing things that truly mattered in the long run.

And you know, I haven’t really been given a lot of advice that’s missed the mark. Advice is little more than one woman’s perspective, and I think we can all learn something from each other, even if it doesn’t particularly resonate with us at the time. Maybe it’s the writer in me, but I’ve never been one to turn down the opportunity to listen to another woman’s story.

*Photo Credit : Woodnote Photography*

Finding My Path : Experimenting and Hoping for the Best

This girl is such a wonderful person. I am in awe of her. #love #snuggle #daughter

I’ve written quite a lot here about my journey to find my path in life, both professionally and personally, and since it’s been a while, I figured it was time for an update. When we last left you, I had quit my full-time, high pressure career to start a new position as the head of marketing for an IT company. An IT company that happens to be owned by a certain cute entrepreneur. This guy.

#tbt Photobooths are our jam.

Our plan was for me to work part time until both kids are in school full time, with hours added in as need be for events and deadlines. I also planned to keep blogging five days a week here at Crazybananas and writing freelance articles as often as possible. Oh, and I took a position as a research editor for an incredible design website too. And I am still doing photography on the side.

Guess how long it took until I burned out? Two months. Just two months, that’s it! After I left the Alt Summit conference in late January, I was overwhelmed with how I was going to make my life’s passions my eventual career (the “plan” is when Trent sells his company I would be able to take a full time job blog/photography position somewhere, or even make a living freelancing). All of the incredible women I met seemed to be doing so much more than I had time for, and I felt hopeless. Yet, I kept at it for another 30 days before I finally said, ENOUGH.

For a month now I have not written a freelance blog post. I started posting here only 3 days a week instead of 5, and all but threw out my editorial calendar that haunted my dreams. I started writing when I felt like I had something to say, instead of feeling like the sky was falling if I didn’t just post something (ANYTHING!) here. A few photography projects fell to the wayside as I prioritized the assignments I had already committed to, and then I didn’t add anything new to replace them.

So, how’s it going? Well, the work is okay. Yes, my page views on this site have dropped and yes, my social media interaction isn’t that wonderful, but I’m still posting here. I feel good about what I’m putting out into the world wide web, and I’ve pretty much eliminated all the filler. I miss contributing to other blogs, but I have confidence I’ll be able to pick up again soon, once I get a better handle on what my schedule with two kids at home, plus part time work, plus bloglife will allow. I’ve had a few photography shoots for friends, and I completed my Go Mighty project. Things are still moving, the world is still turning.

The most important thing is how I feel today. I feel good. I don’t feel the adrenaline rush that typified the last year of my life as I began this journey, but that’s okay. You don’t have to be inspired every day. Some days you’ll look at your vision board or your list of goals and you’ll think…meh. That is OKAY. In fact, it’s probably for the best. Because after a few days or weeks or months or even years you’ll look at that list of goals and feel a flutter in your tummy again. Your heart will race and you’ll think, “I’m gonna do this!” And the best part? You’ll be in a well-rested, happy, good place when that moment arrives, instead of strung out and exhausted. You’ll be able to tackle it because of taking your time, not in spite of it.

So, that’s my update. I am still here. Not every night, frantically typing in to the wee hours, but instead, pouring out some thoughts before I shut the lid to my laptop and head off to read my new favorite book (A Song of Fire and Ice, I am loving you right now!). I feel good, content and happy. And even though I’ve seen there are less of you reading here now, I think the very best of you are still around. Thank you for being here.

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