Love, Joy and the Universe


Simon Potter, born February 24, 2013

There are days when I flashback to when my children were born. Days that are warm and birds are singing (Lucy, born in June) and days when the snow softly falls and the air is crisp (Tate, born in December). I often think about surreal it all was, how in a few short hours, my world had changed so drastically, and yet, the outside world went on as if nothing had happened. I remember leaving the hospital in the snow after Tate was born, in disbelief that people were headed to work as if it was a normal day…like the universe hadn’t been altered in some cosmic way. Which for me, it had. I went in to the hospital on a Monday and he didn’t exist. When I left on Wednesday, there was a new life in the world. A new person who would make decisions someday that would snowball and affect many others. I think ahead to when I’m a grandmother and I’ll look at everyone around me. Children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews…and I’ll remember that once, there was a world where they did not exist. Once upon a time, I walked into a hospital and then the universe exploded with love and joy.

I imagine it’s that way every time a baby is born. And some days when I drive past the hospitals where my children entered this world, I remember what it was like. I think about all those babies being born on this very day. How they will change the world…and then I go on with my errands, like it’s any other day.

But it’s not. Today is the day that it all changed. Somewhere, someone amazing was born. And he or she is going to make the world a wonderful place to be. I’m happy to be a part of it.

Snow Day


We had the first big snowstorm Kansas City has seen in years today, and it was pretty freaking fantastic! There was thundersnow! THUNDERSNOW!!! I woke up to lighting outside my window and snow falling in my yard. It was crazy! Luckily the schools had already called for the snow day last night, so we all got to sleep in this morning before putzing around the house for 12 hours. I should clarify that “we” was Lu, Tate and I, as Trent has been locked in his office all day working, randomly stopping for snack breaks and to snowboard down our street while being chased by the neighbor dog.





It’s looking like tomorrow will be snow day number two, so hopefully we can keep up the napping, movie watching, cupcake making momentum…

(All photos taken with the iPhone and edited in Afterglow, because I was too chicken to take the 60D out in the thundersnow…)

A Little Go Mighty Update

We are coming up on the end of my Go Mighty Challenge, and I am so, SO CLOSE to my goal. I have loved this journey and meeting all of these incredible mothers. Each one of them has a story to tell, some hugely epic and some wonderfully relatable…but all very important. I feel honored to be able to document their lives. Here are a few of my recent additions. I hope you click over and read all about them.


Mary… “I know everyone thinks that their kids are awesome, but mine really are awesome. They are quirky, silly, funny, outgoing, smiley, tender-hearted, mischievous, hellions, shit-starters, tantrum throwers, and have the two biggest hearts of anyone I know.”


Mikayla…..“My mom provided me with all of the tools I needed to be the kind of mom I wanted to be, just like her. This also shined a bright light on the fact that EVERYTHING I do as a mother not only shapes our children, but shapes the kind of parents our children will one day be. It’s one of the most important gifts you can give your children.”


Christina….“Some days you can pull it off and your babe(s) cooperate, but if you find that it’s just impossible, go ahead and set your tasks aside for a while and just play. It’ll be less frustrating for everyone and you’ll be surprised and actually be able to get a few things done after dedicating that quality time!”


Chrissy…“I strive to teach my kids how to make the best out of every situation in life. There is no greater gift than to see your child’s eyes light up with excitement!”

7 x 7 : Week 3

I took a little 7 x 7 hiatus while I was at Alt (and then while I was recovering from Alt), but it’s back! Hope you enjoy this random look at our last week.


crazy static hair on the slide on a random 70 degree day in February // my girl by the old train depot // girl scout meeting chaos // making valentine’s // snow and bare legs = this weird winter // “without decorations our house looks too boring, mama” // boys cruising in the pink jeep

Happy Weekend!

happy weekend 2-8

Well hello, Friday! I’m happy to see you. This is a short week for us due to our hooky playing ways earlier in the week and the fact that Lu doesn’t have school today for parent-teacher conferences. Tate, Lu and I have plans to go see my Little Sister at college and then spend the rest of the weekend catching up on everything we left hanging when we decided to go out of town last week. I’m still dragging since Alt Summit, so hopefully this weekend will be the time to get it all under some semblance of control. I also want to (finally!) watch the series finale of 30 Rock and maybe go see a movie. Is it nerdy that I want to go see this one?

In my defense, I’ve loved Nicholas Hoult since his days on Skins as the horrible Tony (link NSFW), but yes, it’s sort of like Twilight with zombies, shut up, I know.

(Random Sidenote: If US networks could stop remaking amazing British dramas like Skins and Shameless it would be awesome, thank you very much.)

OK, now for some links to get you through your weekend….

Need some great Valentine’s decorations? Check out these free printables from Oh Happy Day. The giant posters are my favorite!

Did you all read about the granddaughters of Fred Phelps leaving his horrible, hate-filled church? I don’t know if this is a big story nationwide, but it’s huge in my area since the Westboro Baptist Church is based near here. I’m so proud of this strong ladies and wish them well in whatever they decide to do. My favorite radio show here in Kansas City did a piece on this story, as they featured Megan Phelps on the show many times in the past. I loved what they had to say.

I thought this look behind the scenes of “The Lizzie Bennett Diaries” was so cool. I love seeing how amazing, unique things are created.

This is a drawing, not a photo. Blows my mind. People are so talented.

I’m obsessed with this song and this band.

Are you guys on Pinterest? You can find me over there under the name Crazybananas. My favorite boards are my music, photography and style boards. Do you guys have any pinners or boards you love? Let me know in the comments!

(Photo of the beautiful Mikayla Stover and her baby belly by Me)

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