The List

Every person on the planet has one. Even if it’s not formal, or shared with your signifacant other, it still exists. The List.

The List is basically what it’s name suggests. It’s a list. Creative, huh? But here’s the catch: it’s a list of the 5 people you are allowed to do the horizontal hokey pokey with if you ever have the chance. (Sidenote: I am not very mature.)

In order to add someone to your List, this person cannot be anyone there would be any chance of you meeting and ending up in bed with in real life. So, for example, my List cannot consist of “cute guy at bar” because there is a chance that I could see a cute guy at a bar, and that would lead to an awkward encounter, possibly some heavy petting and my husband beating his brains out. It must be someone that is pretty much unattainable. Unless you’re Gisele Bunchen. Because I think everyone on the planet is attainable for her.

Last night I had a coversation with my friend Lane about our lists. Her List consists of staples like George Clooney, along with some random exceptions (Scott Speedman? Really?!). We were on our way to see the movie Penelope, and I mentioned that Mr. James McAvoy is on top of my current List (The List is an everchanging document). Her response, “Yeah, I figured.” Apparently I have a type. But if this is my type….

Mr. Crazybananas

…then I’m fine with having a type. As long as he’s it. Mmmmmmm.

Who else made the cut?

1. James McAvoy – Stars in the movie Atonement, Becoming Jane and Penelope. Gave an amazing performance in the Last King of Scotland. Positives: Delicious, smart, Scottish, therefore has an accent, not freakishly short. Negatives: Married (we can work around that, as so am I)

The King

2. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers – Stars in a bunch of movies including Bend it Like Beckham. Currently stars in the drool-worthy Tudors on Showtime, also found in my DVD player on repeat. Positives: Yummy, deep, intelligent, Irish, again with the accents, can play the guitar. Negatives: Been in rehab, been arrested, bit of a bad boy (could also be considered a positive), sometimes his eyes creep me out.


3. Harrison Ford circa 1982 – During his original Indiana Jones years. Positives: Hot, a professor, outdoorsy, can save you from a giant falling boulder. Negatives: Most positives are based on the fictional character of Indiana Jones instead of Harrison Ford, it is no longer 1982.

Prince Harry

4. Prince Harry – Third in line to be king of England. Positives: Redhead, smoking hot, patriotic, accent, powerful, kind, seems like a fun guy to get drinks with, gives tons of money and time to charity. Negatives: Crazy family, I’m not ready to be a princess, if any such affair would happen I would immediately be all over the tabloids and I don’t want to end up like Crazy Britney Spears.

Steve Jobs

5. Steve Jobs – CEO of Macintosh/Apple. Positives: Rich, innovative, could possibly get me an iPhone. Negatives: Plethera of black turtle necks, annoying way he comes out with new products a day after I just bought one, then drastically drops the price

Who is on your list?

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7 replies
  1. Kristi
    Kristi says:

    OH….Prince Harry is on my list too!! That, naturally, precludes his brother from also being on the list. Seriously though-Steve Jobs?? I love the Mac just as much as anyone else, but really?

  2. Inger
    Inger says:

    Ok, I’m not even going to get into questioning your list. That would be pointless. 🙂 but MY list?

    1) Johnny Depp. Hot no matter how much eyeliner he has on

    2) Mario Lopez. This is a long-standing crush, ever since the early days of saved by the bell…

    3) Gavin Rossdale. Damn that Gwen Stefani for being way frickin hotter than me and having his baby!!!

    4) Orlando Bloom. As an elf. With long sexy hair. Oh. God. He’s sexy.

    5) Matt Damon. From Goodwill Hunting – he’s so cute and smart and I just want to totally make out with him. Yummy.

    Spooner, you better not flame me for this! :):)

  3. megspoon
    megspoon says:

    Inger – AC Slater? Really? I always saw you as a Zach Morris kind of girl. However, the rest of your list is in my top 10. Along with Joseph Finnes. Yummmm.

    And also, your list seems to trend towards dork-ness. Therefore, let me give you the following news. Mr. Number One (James McAvoy) will be playing Scotty in the next installment of the Star Trek movie series. As in “beam me up Scotty.” Crap, I’m a nerd.

  4. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    I totally get Steve Jobs because I have a similar candidate: Gordon Ramsay. I realise it makes me a bad feminist, but something about the aggression, wealth, and power is so lust-worthy. And he COOKS!


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