Merry Christmas to All
OK, so now it’s become blatently obvious that no one reads this page, but I am super-bored working at the front desk at work (the week before Christmas isn’t exactly big working week), so I’m writing anyway. Things have been pretty good lately. Jack is still at the kennel in KC, but the manager said he’s adapted well and is being sweet to everyone there. I’m glad because when I left him he was an unhappy puppy:( Things have been really busy for Trent and I the last couple of weeks. I’ve begun working full-time, covering for the administrative person who is about to pop out a baby any day now. Trent got a new job doing server work. His last day at the old job was last Friday, so he’s getting a bit of a Christmas break. We’ve been all over the place lately with work holiday parties, family get-togethers, etc., but it’s been a good time. His birthday is also this week and I’m giving him a dope-ass gift (but it’s a surprise, so don’t tell). I’ll let you know how he liked it in my next entry:) I guess that’s about it. Hope all is well with everyone and have a great holiday!

Miss Megan, I am looking at MSCL on a fairly regular basis. It is great when there is a new post. Get your birthday spankin’ arm in shape, 23 is alot of work! kp
Unfortunately, there was way too much alcohol involved that night. No spanking occurred, but it was a great time.