Blast Off!!!
Welcome to the new and improved Crazybananas! As I’m sure you can tell, the big surprise was a major redesign of the site, and I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out. Major, MAJOR thanks go out to Kendra Murphy, my designer and creator of all this awesome. We are still working out a few kinks here and there, so you may see some reshuffling in the next few days, and in a week or so I’ll go through an entire guided tour of the new site. But for now…a little something for you as a thanks for being such amazing readers!

I’m giving away a $25 iTunes gift card as a thank you to all of you for sticking with me as we clean up around here! Yay for movies, music, TV, apps or whatever you use iTunes for! All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what your favorite color is. Yep, that’s it! The giveaway will close next Friday, January 25th, and I will announce a winner the following week. Good luck!

Great job with the website redesign! So fun! Favorite color is purple!
Great job with the website redesign! So fun! My favorite color is purple.
Love the new look! My favorite color is pink.
Loving it already 🙂 my favorite color is clear. Ok that was what my dorky too cool for himself cousin always said when we were in HIgh school. My true favorite color is red – for today anyhow…
great job on redesign – can’t wait to see it once you’re all done! my fav color is ocean blue 🙂
Looking good! I love green.
Looks great! Today my favorite is aquamarine. 🙂
Love the new look! Purple is, always has been, and always be my favorite. : )
The site looks great! I’m partial to orange these days. 🙂
I don’t just have a favorite color – i have a favorite color combination. Which is blue & yellow. So I love the site redesign!!! I’m not even lying – you’ll be seeing the blue and yellow combo in my wedding pics come this May.
Love the new look!! I’m a green kind of girl 🙂
My favorite color is blue!!!
Hey Lady! I miss you!!!! Your site looks great – congrats!
Oh, and my favorite color is Sparkle!!! 😀
Navy blue has always been my favorite color.
Poppin’ tags on it! Very nice!
Looks great! My favorite color is green.
navy blue and cream together… love!
Oh gooooooodie!!! I get to be the 1st one!!! 🙂
My favorite color has ALWAYS been green — any shade — I LOVE IT!! And I rock that color I might add haha
On a side-note, green is the awareness color for cerebral palsy — oh the irony that my daughter would now have such a condition! All the more reason to rock the green I say! <3
Oh boo – I wasn’t first! 🙁 My computer didn’t download the comments. HA!
The redesign looks great!
Pick me! Pick me!!!!
I’d better win this one or else!